Thursday, August 18, 2016

Construction update...

Construction update...  By the end of the day yesterday, the crew had the vertical walls of the sun room completely installed.  The door frame is also there, but the doors themselves are not hung yet.  Some photos:

Much to our amusement, our sun room is the talk of the contractors and of quite a few people in town.  Our builder is responsible for this.  In one of the conversations we had with him when we first discussed the project, we mentioned that our plan was to allow the cats in the basement cattery to have access to the sun room.  This seemed sensible to us, as if we were planning to build the sun room anyway, and the cats were right there (two windows in the cattery open into the sun room), then why wouldn't we let them enjoy the sunshine too?  But our builder seems to think that the only reason we're building the sun room is for the enjoyment of the cats – and that has been passed along to the other contractors and people he knows in town (he lives in Paradise).  Several times now I've met people who want to know how our cat's sun room is coming along.  Funny!

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