The ridge caps are the very last part to go on. They can only do those after all the panels are up.
If it rains now, we're gonna have lots of little leaks. Fortunately the chances of rain are approximately zero...
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Joe: I love my Macbook! All the noise I got with my old Thinkpad is gone!You just never know what you're going to run into in El Cajon. My iced tea was very good. I spent the remaining half hour drive home contemplating white cables, silly corporate lawyers, and credulous combustion engineers. And wondering if I should start the cult of centrifugans...might be some money to be made there. Leastways, out toward El Cajon...
Larry: You mean your old one had noisy fans or something?
Joe: No, the sound was noisy. The Apple guys said it was because the audio cables were black?
Larry: Black cables? Why would that make a difference to the sound?
Joe: The Apple guys said their white cables reflected noise, while the black cables absorbed it. All I know is that now when I play my iPod, the sound is great! They must have been right. White cables rule!
Larry: I'd never have thought the color would make any difference...
(at this point, I couldn't resist jumping in)
Me: You're right - cable color doesn't make any difference to their performance. It could be the Apple cables have better shielding internally, or it could just be that the Macbook's speakers are better.
Joe: (very defensive, and immediately angry) How do you know? What are you, a digital engineer or something (in a sneering tone)?
Me: (sarcastically) No, but I'm a 17th level centrifugan.
Larry: Whoa! (and looking very impressed)
Joe: (suddenly interested) You guys study these things?
Me: (after a pause in which I despair for mankind's future) What do you guys do?
Joe: I'm a lawyer - corporate law; I work for [a local biotech firm].
Larry: Combustion engineering, over at [local gas turbine manufacturer].
Me: One large iced tea, please. (and I make my escape)
If your local building code doesn't already require a radiant barrier—a type of insulator for the roof—then look into it. I'm told that should be on the top of your list, at least for warm climates. This would be a good time to point out that nothing you learn about green building materials will be supported by relevant data that is in the proper context for your particular home. But the rest of your life is probably a mess too, so you'll get used to it fast.But go read the whole thing.