Friday, October 1, 2010

All Your Housez Be Ourz...

The Iowa Electronic Markets are predicting a solid Republican takeover of the House, and trending more strongly that way every day...

The Senate numbers are still strongly favoring the Democrats to retain control.  The trend we saw moving the other way a few weeks ago was completely derailed by Christine O'Donnell's win in Delaware, which conventional wisdom says will cause a seat that was a surefire Republican win to go to a Democrat.  Recent poll results, though, show some interesting trends the other way, wherein candidates like Blumenthal, formerly thought to be an impossible-to-shake Democratic win, are starting to look a bit, well, shaky.

It's gonna be an interesting night on November 2...


Sixteen hundredths – just over an eighth of an inch – of H2O fell out of the sky onto our chaparral yesterday.  We had thunderstorms and intermittent showers all day long.  When I came home yesterday afternoon, the rain was sheeting off our brandy-new bright red roof.  Yay!

This fire season just got a little dampened.  By no means does this remove our risk for the year – we'd need more rain and no Santa Anas to perform that trick.  But it does tamp the risk down a notch, and I'll take that anytime I can get it...