Saturday, May 27, 2006

Light Blogging

Blogging will be light this weekend — between some quiet celebration of the holiday, caring for our menagerie (Debbie is up in Pomona at a dog agility meet, where Mo’i has already Q’d twice!), and weed-whacking, there won’t be a lot of time left over for blogging. The weeds are one to four feet high in the yard, and I spent four hours this morning taking the second real crack at it (for this season). Thankfully the day is overcast and the temperature has been in the high 50s to low 60s — very pleasant working weather. So this morning I tackled the really heavy-duty stuff — hauling the DR brush mower up and down the steep parts of the yard. Whew!

Don’t know what I’m going to do when I get too decrepit to do that work…