Friday, February 2, 2007

For You, Arkin

Many people have ably commented on the awful slurs written yesterday by William Arkin, the mindlessly liberal columnist at the Washington Post (whose words I will not repeat here). He’s been verbally whupped to the point that he’s now issued a (slimy, qualified) apology that falls far short of what’s needed. Personally, I think the Post should fire him, pronto, but of course that isn’t going to happen. The single best response to Arkin I’ve seen yet comes from a warrior poet, Russ Vaughn. Here’s the beginning:

WaPo Weasels II

Contributed by Russ Vaughn


Want to slam our soldiers, Arkin?

Well here is one to slam.

I got used to Lefty slamming

When I came back from Vietnam.

So you want to put a muzzle

On our brave fighting men?

Well try muzzling me you jerk,

Just tell me where and when.


Your profession needs a lesson

In basic free speech rights,

For those you worms all hide behind,

For those who fight your fights.

Like all your soft and smarmy kind,

You really have no clue,

Who American warriors truly are,

What our warriors truly do.

Now go read the rest. That’s an order!

And while you’re there, don’t miss WaPo Weasels I

The Debate Is Over

Yesterday, Senator Barbara Boxer — one of California’s dysfunctional U.S. Senators — said this:

"The scientific debate is over. We will have legislation this year."

This is but the latest in what looks like an orchestrated campaign by the left to shut down all debate and discussion on global warming. In recent weeks, we’ve seen efforts to ban global-warming skeptics from radio and TV, to refuse funding to skeptics, and even to criminalize public speech by skeptics (by claiming that any skeptical talk is criminally misleading and damaging to the public).

This is un-American.

This is madness.

This is anti-science.

This is getting dangerously close to Fahrenheit 451 (how long until we’re told to burn our copies of The Skeptical Environmentalist?), and Orwellian thought control (shutting down legitimate debate is just one step from telling you you’re not allowed to have skeptical thoughts).

This is (as others have observed) very much like a kind of secular religion — our leftie “betters” want us to take global warming on faith.

Does anyone have any good ideas on how to combat this?