Saturday, May 5, 2018

14,000 and counting...

14,000 and counting...  The previous post was the 14,000th post I've published since I started this blog over 13 years ago.  It's hard to wrap my brain around having done 14,000 of anything creative, though intellectually I know I've done most of my creative work as a software engineer (something that's very difficult to measure in any concrete way).  It's a milestone of some sort.  Probably of how crazy I am to keep doing this!

Debbie and I are about to jump in our Tesla Model X, trailer attached, and head for Salt Lake City.  There we'll be visiting MacBeath's hardwood store.  I'm picking up (at least, I hope I am!) a huge amount of lumber to build the grill cabinet.  I'm picking up a total of 8 sheets of hardwood plywood, various thicknesses, half of it with two good sides.  Then I've got a total of 700 linear feet of a combination of hardwood 1x3s and 1x2s (for framing).  That's a lot of hardwood!  I'm hoping to get red oak for the framing wood, and Baltic birch for the plywood, but I'll be somewhat at the mercy of what they've got in stock.

We'll be coming straight home, with no stop at the Red Iguana.  I don't want to leave a trailer full of valuable hardwood sitting in the their parking lot while we eat – unlike the area where we live, Salt Lake City has an all-too-typical big city crime rate.  But that's so sad that we're going to miss that great food!  I will probably cry as we pass...