Friday, October 26, 2007

Harris Flareup Update...

Looks to me like this flareup is on it's way to being history. I've now had several readers write in about the firefight against this flareup – very quick action by both ground crews and lots of aircraft. On several occasions, I've even caught aircraft in the Lyons Peak cameras.

Once again: thank you, firefighters!

After seeing the animations I referenced in a previous post, I got out my maps and tried to estimate where that northern flareup originated. I believe it was on the southern flank of Lawson Peak, almost due south of the peak, between halfway and two thirds of the way down the slope. That's way too close for comfort!


  1. I'm still at Steele Canyon. News that you may already know. I just talked to a fireman. There are currently 50 engines out there, and lots of air power. They are using the massive plane from Canada that fills up at Lake Elsinore. The firemen set a back fire today and that is what has caused most of the smoke. I asked if they were able to maintain the line they drew (Four Corners, Lyons Valley area) and the reply was that they are trying their best.
    There is a list distributed here daily of address of houses destroyed or damaged. It is not complete, and covers the whole county, but it was 9 pages of small print this morning, and there will be a new list tomorrow as they assess. There is also a map posted of what areas have burned so far. The briefings are at 10 am and 8 pm. We have direct access to Diane Jacobs daily and to the head fire people as well. They take as much time as needed to answer all the questions.

  2. Hi Anon, thanks for the up to the minute update!

    Breeze here by Catholic church is onshore, not quite steady at estimated 5-10 mph.

    It was reported to me that Dorthy from twisted scissors salon in Jamul, who lives in Dulzura, lost her home. I think it was in the area east of Romo and before you drop down into the valley where barret is.

    If any news is available on what parts of deerhorn and honey springs burned it would be appreciated.

    i heard rumors from the jamul drive checkpoint on Wednesday, but dont watn to pass tehm on until source is more reliable.

    Thanks again Silly!
