Friday, October 26, 2007

Harris Fire Update...

All the information I can get my hands on looks like good news to me. First, the top photo is the north-looking camera on Lyons Peak. There is no fresh smoke visible anywhere, and certainly not in Lawson Valley, where our home is. Given the word put out at the briefing (mentioned in my previous post), this must mean that the firefighters were successful at holding the line down around Lyons Valley Road.

Thank you, firefighters. We don't have the words…

This second photo is the camera looking west from Lyons Peak, toward the town of Jamul and the coast. There's not even a wisp of smoke visible. All the hills and mountains that have been obscured for days are now clearly visible.

On the east camera (which I have not posted), you can see some smoke hanging in the Barrett Canyon and Hauser Canyon areas. The south-looking camera shows no fresh smoke over Deerhorn Valley, but the entire view looks monochromatic – shades of grays. I hope, for the sake of the folks who live in Deerhorn Valley, that we're seeing an artifact of the camera and the light, and not reality.

Finally, here's the latest MODIS satellite thermal imagery of the Harris Fire. The first thing to note is that there are no red splotches at all: the satellite did not detect any hotspots on its last pass. The orange splotches were hotspots within the past 24 hours, but not any longer.

It all looks good.

If any of my readers have personal knowledge of conditions on the ground, or if you have attended briefings where good information was put out, please write me (the email address is at right, down toward the bottom) or leave a comment.


  1. I am in the Animal Rescue Reserve and I was able to drive a little ways past the schools on Lyons Valley Rd. The houses looked fine up to Rocky Mountain Rd?? I didn't go any farther. Houses on Rocky Mt road looked fine also.

  2. Hi, I really appreciate your blog. Can you tell me where you are getting these great maps from. I am most curious about the one in this post showing the orange and black circles. Can you direct me to where you d=find them and is there a key to show what the colors mean?

