Friday, January 23, 2015

The trip home...

The trip home...  I flew from Richmond, Virginia to Salt Lake City (connecting through Houston) on Wednesday.  The flight was almost uneventful.  The exception was that on the last leg, about a half hour out of Houston, I ordered a soda to drink.  The flight attendant handed me the soda, I set it on my tray table, and the guy in front of me chose that moment to violently lean his seat back.  The soda went flying, and upended all over my lap.  Soaked, I was, and in a most uncomfortable way.  Then the jerk decided to get all angry about it, saying it was my fault for being so stupid as to put my soda on the tray table.  The flight attendant just rolled her eyes, and I let it go – my experience with the stupid, which is far broader than I wish it was, suggests that pushing back against stupid that burns that hard is completely useless.

Upon arriving in Salt Lake City, I called Debbie (who was waiting in the cell phone lot) to come pick me up.  Mere seconds later, she rolled up – with Miki and Race in the back seat.  After a hug and a kiss and some happy dogs, we drove back home to a lovely shower and an even lovelier big, comfortable bed.  It's always so good to get home, even after a wonderful trip like the one I just took, with a week to see my immediate family and their spouses.

I took the photos below as we approached Salt Lake City, crossing the Wasatch mountains.  As always, click to embiggen...

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