Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Progress report...

Progress report...  Our builder worked inside the barn yesterday morning, finishing the sheathing of the ceiling.  This means that the insulation folks can come finish insulating the first floor, and they will be here today.  The plumber came in the afternoon, and finished all the heating installation, including connecting the gas (finally!) and water from the house.  Today I'll be firing up the tractor to cover the remaining exposed ends of water line – and this afternoon we should be able to light off the heating system for the first time.  Woo hoo!

Debbie and I did a bunch of work inside the house yesterday.  Probably the most important thing: I replaced the front door hardware.  The old hardware was badly worn, and it took almost superhuman force to open the door from the outside.  That's really bad if it's cold and you want in!  The new hardware works ever so much better.  Then we assembled a closet organizer for Debbie's walk-in closet.  This is the second product we've purchased that's made by Seville Classics (the first was a roll-around tool closet), and we're impressed once again.  The thing is reasonably priced, but but beautifully made and as solid as a rock.  It's not obvious from the photos, but the general design is similar to a “bread rack” adjustable shelving system – inherently simple and strong.  With the addition of this unit, Debbie's closet has the storage capacity of a clothing super-store.  In other works, about half what she “needs”.  She'll be happier when my small corner has been deeded over to her, a happy (for her!) even that will occur when our dresser arrives...

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