Tuesday, January 8, 2008

You Decide...

I hope Warren at Climate Skeptic will forgive me for stealing his entire post:

The chart below is from the Cryosphere Today and shows the sea ice anomaly for the short period of time (since 1979) we have been able to observe it by satellite. The chart is large so you need to click the thumbnail below to really see it:

OK, now looking at the anomaly in red, what do you see:

  1. A trend in sea ice consistent with a 100+ year warming trend?
  2. A sea ice extent that is remarkably stable except for an anomaly over the last three years which now appears to be returning to normal?

The media can only see #1. I may be crazy, but it sure looks like #2 to me.

The question of whether Warren is crazy is, of course, completely separate from this question. But on this one, I agree with him completely…


  1. The original source has a data corruption note; see http://arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/

  2. The original source has posted a data corruption notice at:
    so we should consider the current chart to be incorrect.

  3. Am I seeing this correct? Is the southern hemisphere sea ice on a slight increase over time and the northern on a slight decline?

    Anyway, I keep hearing about how the warming is effecting the polar ice cap way faster than expected. If this is the case, and sea levels were supposed to rise by many feet, how come the hill I'm living on isn't beach front yet?

    Seriously though. Are sea levels actually rising at all?


  4. Take a look at this post at Climate Skeptic. This and other things I've read all point in the same direction: if there is any rise in sea levels at all, then they are much smaller than predicted by the global warming models.

    And yes, the southern ice cap is growing. On a percentage basis, it's growing more slowly than the northern cap is shrinking -- but because the southern ice cap is so much larger, it's actually a modest net gain in ice...

  5. Interesting, so I should be my deposit back on my new ark? :)

