Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Fatally Wounded

ScrappleFace nails it again:

"The Bush foreign policy continues to be fatally-wounded by clarity of purpose, dogged persistence and a pathetic failure to capitulate in the face of opposition. At a time when a real leader would be paralyzed with self-doubt over the meaningless deaths of 2,000 American troops, Bush continues to act as if freeing 25 million Iraqis from decades of oppression, torture and death is somehow worth the price paid by those who volunteered to fight."

Read the whole thing right now!

1 comment:

  1. In the old blog, Larry said:
    >>Bush continues to act as if freeing 25 million Iraqis from decades of oppression, torture and death is somehow worth the price paid by those who volunteered to fight."If I recall, we went into Iraq because they had weapons of mass destruction… er… the terrorist/9-11 connection.... er....Oh heck I give up. Don’t get me wrong, I think that we can’t possibly leave Iraq now we are there. Would fall into chaos very quickly if we just pulled out. And maybe freeing the Iraqi people is a nice, noble goal. I’m just getting tired of all the revisionist history over why we went there to start with.
