Wednesday, August 19, 2015

And another nice day in Paradise...

And another nice day in Paradise...  Race, (the resplendent) Miki, and I did our usual walk this morning, but the experience was anything but usual.  The haze we noted yesterday was far worse today.  Mountains more than about 4 miles away were completely invisible.  The air smelled like a wet campfire at some distance.  Though the sky was cloudless, the sun was dim and the lighting diffuse.  The wildlife all seemed subdued; few birds were in evidence.  Wildlife, in general, react strongly to fires.  This probably smells like a possible fire approaching to all the animals and birds...

After our walk, I poked around for a few hours moving and setting up sprinklers.  I've now finished putting quick-disconnects on all my hoses and sprinklers, which makes the job of setting them out much less tedious (no screwing and unscrewing hoses).

Then it was time for Debbie's second physical therapy appointment, and like the first, it went very well.  Observable progress was in evidence, and if you watch her it's clear she's gaining confidence and strength.  She'll be on her feet soon!

As a treat, we took ourselves out to Jack's Wood-Fired Pizza.  Of all the restaurants we've sampled in the area, this one holds the strongest claim to being exceptional – not just “for the area”, but in an absolute sense.  We had a truly enjoyable meal: mushroom soup (a lovely soup with a light broth and a touch of cheese), pizzas (we each had our own tiny pizza), and lemon cake with fresh berries for dessert.  Scrumptious!

After we got home I had a brief respite until the UPS man drove up.  He dropped off several packages, amongst them Debbie's new recumbent exercise bicycle.  Naturally it was a kit, with a dozen or so major parts and a nice collection of hardware.  Thankfully the directions were crystal clear, all the parts were there, and they even included all the necessary tools.  Two hours later, I finally got it all put together and working.  It's a nice piece of gear, and at least right now looks like a good value for the money...

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