Thursday, January 8, 2015


Charlie-Hebdo...  Mark Steyn, in a Fox News interview, expresses my own position far more eloquently than I could.  Watch the (non-embeddable) video here.

Here's an example of what I expect to see much more of: assertions that at least in part, Charlie-Hebdo brought this upon themselves by offending Muslims.  In this case, it's a piece published by the Catholic League, who really ought to know better – because virtually everything they publish, believe, and stand for is offensive to the same group of Muslim radicals who attacked Charlie-Hebdo.  It's written as though they don't even realize that their fellow Christians are being killed in large numbers by Islamic State right now.  Their instinct for appeasement overrides their ability to observe, much as the English left, led by Neville Chamberlain, completely failed to observe Hitler's evil.  This sort of essentially suicidal behavior leaves me gaping in disbelief...

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