Thursday, March 20, 2014

Quote of the day...

Quote of the day...  Goes to Mark Steyn, writing about his legal battle with Mr.-Aren't-I-Wonderful? Michael Mann:
After a year and a half ensnared by poisonous fecal tendrils in the unpumped toxic septic tank of DC "justice", I don't think "broken" quite covers it. To any non-American, this system is utterly repulsive. In England, trial by jury replaced trial by ordeal. Somehow America has managed to turn trial by jury into a mere postscript to trial by ordeal. I think it ought to be possible to litigate a 270-word blog post in under 270 weeks. So let's get on with it.
The wonderfully descriptive phrase “poisonous fecal tendrils” appears to be Mr. Steyn's unique invention.  Google found only four references to it just now, and all four are derived from Steyn's post...

1 comment:

  1. When floating in Lake Michigan they are simply referred to as "bobbing fecal greaseballs." Tendrils would require a more confined or sheltered environment, like a septic tank, so Steyn's phrase is valid.
