Thursday, January 9, 2014


Duty.  Robert Gates' memoir is all over the news now.  An English take is here, the Wall Street Journal's here.  A paragraph from the WSJ piece sums up my own feelings on it nicely:
The Gates book may be most troubling for what it says about the three long years left in Mr. Obama's second term—which also makes us wonder why he didn't go public sooner, at the time he left office. He describes a President who knows he must invoke the traditional rhetorical markers of U.S. foreign policy—a strong defense, credibility with allies, democracy and human rights—yet whose every impulse is to leave the world to its own devices. That's especially dangerous when the American public is in an inward-looking mood. The U.S. needs a President willing to make the case for continued American engagement and leadership.
November 2016 can't come fast enough...

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