Sunday, September 15, 2013

“Listen to me, goddamnit!”  Charles Cook, writing at NRO, has a great piece up on the recent successful Colorado recall elections.  The lead:
Despite the media’s insistence that the Colorado recalls were the first skirmish in a new proxy war between the National Rifle Association and New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, the simple truth is that Tuesday’s stunning elections were prompted and won by forces on the ground. At the Stargazers Theatre last night, I sat with those forces as a famous victory unfolded. Speaking after Senator Morse conceded, the recall’s founder, Tim Knight, told the crowd that “you must own your freedom in order to protect and pass it on to your children.” He has spent the last few months doing just that.
Amen, brother.  Indications in Washington are that the progressives are taking careful, if dismayed, note of the events in Colorado...

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