Saturday, October 20, 2012

Scott Adams Gets Some Blowback...

...for his endorsement the other day of Mitt Romney.  As you might expect, he has some interesting observations, and explanations of his position.  I particularly enjoyed this paragraph:
My observation is that voters often - perhaps usually - don't get what they think they voted for. Nixon surprised everyone by getting cuddly with China. Bush Junior turned from isolationist to military adventurer. Obama went from weed-friendly to badass destroyer of state-approved dispensaries. Some fiscal conservatives have blown up the budget while some free-spending Democrats balanced it. If you think you can predict how a candidate will act in office, you might need a history lesson, or perhaps a booster shot of humility.
But there's much more meaty stuff in his post.

If Scott Adams was running, I'd vote for him.  Not because of any of his positions, but because of (a) the originality of his thinking, and (b) his ability to communicate complex ideas.  In both areas he makes our conventional politicians look like blithering idiots...

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