Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Palin's Speech...

She seemed a little stiff and nervous at first, but then a short way into it she loosened up and seemed natural, even ad-libbing a little. She's a talented speaker, with very good timing, and an equally good sense of the audience. I thought her jabs at Obama were particularly effective.

But my favorite line was this: “I put it on eBay.”

She was referring to the Alaska governor's jet, which she sold, saying that it was over-the-top spending. Besides warming my small-government heart, it made me immediately contrast her with Nancy Pelosi and her insistence on getting the big jet as a privilege of being Speaker of the House. Needless to say, Sarah fared much better in that comparison, on just about every count one could imagine.

I'm headed for sleepy-land with a smile on my face, because I'm beginning to think that The One might not, er, be the one after all...


  1. I pay to God tha the "one" goes down in flames.

  2. So, you went to sleep with a smile on your face? You must be smiling every day then. You guys have been in power for what, the last eight or so years? I'm no political scientist, but I'd think if my philosophy were true (as I'm sure you do), then after eight years of running things we should be in pretty good shape right about now. Would you not agree? If you don't agree why not? Id like to know why the economy, the division of our country, the war, and in general, day to day life sucks in America right now. How come? How about a nice explanation of WHY I should want four mores years of THIS? Or worse perhaps? We're sliding downhill pretty fast these days. So... I've got one little word, and it's not Lockheed Martin's creepy "how".... It's my "why"?

  3. To the liberal yeehaw: You and the rest of the liberal machine keep making the connection between the economic cycle and George Bush and to the McCain campaign. Let's peel the onion a little. Economies are naturally cyclical (both on a national an international level). Unless, of course, you are a liberal and are really supporting a socialist economic structure; which would result in a forever flat but stagnant economy (look at Russia). So let’s go back in time and put BA in the White House and see what would have happened. The government would have instituted a tax increase in order to pay for the proposed social programs. And don’t even try to explain that he will not increase taxes (and just redistribute it in a more effective way) as that generalization is a crock. In order to pay for these additional expenditures, he will need to raise taxes, somewhere, somehow, and probably in more places than one. Rather than having a great economy for almost seven the 8 years of this administration, the economy would have grounded to a halt in year 2 or 3 and we would have been much worse. The Dollar would have been punished by the slowing economy and foreign investors would have taken their investments out of the US (both for the reason of the slowing economy/lower investment returns, but also higher taxes imposed on those investments). Leaving a disaster. That does not address the point that it was the Democratic leadership and BC who lead the charge for liberalization of the mortgage markets allowing people who could not afford houses to buy them; resulting in the financial crisis we are now dealing with.

    Regarding your point on the war, where were you on 9/11 claiming that we should not aggressively go after terrorism wherever it stands. And don’t say “but there were no weapons found”. If we did not do what we did, the terrorists would be running rampant in the world without fear of retaliation. Maybe you think like BA, that if you are nice to the terrorists and treat them with respect and they will leave us alone. That is foolish thinking.

    Today BA wants the government to do more for the people. Again, how would this be paid for? More Taxes!!! I will grant you that the middle class may receive a short term savings, but it won’t be enough to make a difference. Then when BA’s economic policies slow the economy further, there will be more job losses. Where will the “middle class” be then? And the thought that the government would be a good manager of a national health care plan is just crazy. The government has never been able to manage any meaningful effort without mass spending and mismanagement. The government is not motivated to spend less, but rather spend whatever it can. We need leaders who want to reduce the government not increase it. It may be that our leaders have not been effective (for various reasons) in doing so, but we have no chance if BA is elected.

  4. To the fascist "onion peeler"...
    Peel THIS!

    What you right-wing, tax cut loving Republicans (that think you understand the economy) need to know is this; the tax cuts are a big reason why the economy is in such bad shape to begin with. With unemployment spiking to 6.1%, (today) the worst since 2003, and oil prices at record highs, it won't be long before you're paying $5 a gallon for gasoline instead of only $4.

    And since oil is traded in dollars, its 70% decline since January 2001 from 92 cents to the Euro to its current $1.56 -- has been accompanied by a 475% rise in the price of oil. The $1.3 trillion worth of tax cuts -- 36% of which went to the top 1% -- are contributing to record deficits. In 2008, we'll have a $410 billion deficit and the 2009 figure looks to top $500 billion. And thanks to $3 trillion worth of wars, the U.S. is borrowing $9.4 trillion -- almost double where we were in 2000. (better start learning to speak Chinese pal).

    Thanks to these Republican caused deficits, the U.S. is borrowing 66% of its $14.2 trillion GDP -- and any country borrowing more than 60% is seen by international investors as a credit risk. You'll hear people trying to convince you that deficits don't matter. But deficits are at the core of all the economic problems we face. Republicans used to be seen as the party of fiscal conservatism. But what they've actually done would terrify a prudent banker.

    They've cut taxes, built up huge deficits, and borrowed to cover the difference. Now the bill is coming due. And that bill will leave a huge economic challenge for the next president. Your vote in November can determine whether to keep these disastrous policies going for four more years or to change them. I suggest instead of blabbing about what could-uh would-uh, should-uh, you had better wise up and stop falling for the fascist anti-American policies of the Republican Party. Though, as Chalmers Johnson put it so eloquently in the last book of his economic trilogy; We are witnessing the last days of the American Republic. So all this may be moot.
    ...and one last comment. If you think our economy is doing well like John McSame says it is, I want to you give this some thought on just how fragile it is. To bring us to our knees, all the Saudis have to do is respond to our failing dollar by insisting they now only take Euros as payment for oil. That would do it. Over and out. We'd be finished. Nice stability huh? Thank you President Cheney... great job...
