Sunday, September 7, 2008

Message From A Vet...

You don't want to miss the end of it.

1 comment:

  1. Man... the Corporate Police State sure can turn out some great propaganda now can't it? That is a very well produced video that does indeed tug at one's heart strings. It's a sad reminder all right. But it's a reminder of this; As far as I'm concerned, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Pearl, Rice, Rove, and the rest of the lying bastards involved with the "Project for a New American Century" should serve 4,000+ life sentences in prison for using our children as cannon fodder for their military industrial complex's war profiteering. This poor kid (and many like him) actually think he was fighting to support freedom and democracy? I know he really believes this and this is the saddest thing I've ever seen and heard. The truth? He was simply fighting for American corporate war profiteering, and the war was created for that purpose by lying neo-cons with just that in mind---profits. Now that it is common knowledge that this war was created by a Bush agenda, and supported with lies, It would be nice if true justice could be done and these creeps had to stand trial for their war crimes. I think some punitive damages might be nice too. I think they should all have to pay reparations to all the families who lost their children for this unnecessary immoral war.

    And aren't we lucky as tax paying Americans? Cheney and his boys have figured out how to make us pay for the war four times over. We get to pay firstly with our tax dollars to supply the initial weapons used during "shock and awe", then we get to pay for the replenishment of those weapons, then we get to pay for the rebuilding of all the stuff we blew up in Iraq, and then, finally, the ultimate stake in our heart, we get to pay at the pump, and I'm not even going to mention the interest on the international loans we have taken out... You've got to hand it to President Cheney (Bush), those guys are geniuses at raping the American taxpayer, stuffing their wallets full of war profits, and very efficiently killing hundreds of thousands of people for their end result----more profit... Can we get any more sick as a nation? America has beocme a very sick nation and I say; ENOUGH!

    I wonder; would we be so interested in supposedly spreading "freedom" around the globe if it wasn't so damned profitable for the American Corporate elite?

    Now you can all write back and blast me with the typical rhetoric of the diversions with which you have been brainwashed in order to keep you from seeing the big picture, i.e., God, country, the flag, freedom, on and on ad nauseam...

    When will "dumbed-down" America get it?
