Sunday, September 7, 2008

A Light Footprint...

This post by John Hinderaker (at Powerline Blog) contains this bit that resonates strongly with me:

Krauthammer thinks that by selecting Palin, McCain threw away his best argument, the fact that his own qualifications are so obviously superior to Obama's. That was my concern, too, when I first learned of the Palin pick. But it fails to give enough emphasis to the basic fact that Obama is running for President, not Vice President. It also fails to acknowledge that Obama and Palin, being middle-aged, do have track records, and those records are very different. Obama has never been a reformer. He has always been a careerist. Wherever he has gone, he has left an extraordinarily light footprint. He has had little or no impact.

The opposite is true of Palin. She entered politics as an outsider--in Alaska!--and as a reformer. Wherever she has gone, she has made a difference. In political terms, her record usefully shows up the fact that Obama is a poseur.

That observation about Obama's few actual accomplishments versus Palin's many strikes to the heart of the matter.

And isn't it interesting that so many are comparing the Republican Vice Presidential pick to the Democratic Presidential pick?


  1. Sarah Palin sure is an "outsider".
    Let's take a look at HER wacky Church ; "The Assemblies of God" in Wasilla Alaska, and worse, their cult program called the "Master's Commission" ...and the plans GOD has for Alaska. Check out the "trailer" video and the "deeper" video. These videos depict some pretty creepy stuff guys. Keep in mind this is their own video that Palin's Church produced. It is just too weird. Then there is this one on YouTube >>

    (You'll have to tie the two lines of the above URL together. If I listed it on one continuous line it scrolls out of the space alloted for text).

    So... Is this the person we want with the real possibility of becoming President of the United State of America? I think we can do better than this. These people are nuts...
    And you better hurry. When this breaks I predict that McSame's team will insist that the church pull those videos. Not to worry. I've got 'em downloaded heh heh...

  2. One of the scariest questions I always pose to fundamentalist Christian's is one that I have never had an intelligent or sufficient answer to. My question is this; "Since, according to the Bible, you already know the outcome, then where is your incentive for peace in the Middle East?"

    In other words, there are those that are indeed looking forward to Armageddon and the "rapture". They must be going to bed at night with a smile on their face. And now, one of them, Palin, has the real possibility of becoming Vice President of the United States, or worse...President. All of you that profess support for Palin need to ask yourself if that is what the world needs right now.

    I suspect, someone will undoubtedly thumb through all their scripture to find an answer, but I'm looking for an intelligent one. One that came from the age of reason, not Biblical times...
