Sunday, March 18, 2018

A feverish Saturday...

A feverish Saturday...  Yesterday I was operating on intellectual fumes for most of the day, the victim of a fever that reached 102.7°F at its peak, just before I went to bed.  Most of the day I spent playing simple games with Debbie (and losing!) and reading; anything more mentally challenging would have been impossible.  At around 4 am I woke shivering, and realized that my fever was breaking.  By 4:30 am my brain was operating on all cylinders again, and now this morning I feel fine.  I can't remember ever having such a short, intense illness before.  But it's gone now – yay!

The two videos below are of our dogs.  The first one shows all five dogs enjoying their morning bananas.  I'm going to try re-shooting this one with a wider field of view, as this attempt doesn't show them actually catching the banana slices, except for Ipo.  The second video is showing off a skill that Ipo has acquired.  All three of our young field spaniels have thoroughly learned that when they come in from outside, they're to run directly to their crates and wait for a treat.  We trained this behavior in the possibly forlorn hope that when they come into the house during mud season (just started) we won't have pounds of mud to clean up in the kitchen – it will all be contained in their crates.  This all works great unless the crate doors are pushed to the closed position.  Even unlatched, this stops the dogs cold – except Ipo.  All on her own she learned how to grab the wire of the door with a front claw and whip the door open, so she can run in and make preparations for Milk Bone consumption.  In this video it happens so quickly you really can't see how she's doing it...

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