Saturday, April 19, 2014

An unexpectedly interesting read...

An unexpectedly interesting read...  Harry Reid's Facebook page, that is.  It's a surreal collection of hard-left propaganda (from Reid) and angry constituents.  There's very little support for him there.  Kind of sad, actually. 

Here's one example of a constituent's commentary.  Many of them I'd be reluctant to republish.  Suffice it to say that they're not happy:
Russ Wilcox Mr Reid (sorry you don't deserve the respect of the title Senator) why do you belittle people who oppose your views? If you ask me you are the terrorist, you are the one who is UN-AMERICAN!!! You should be ashamed of yourself for acting like a child throwing a tantrum calling people names. I for one am a PROUD AMERICAN, but I am ASHAMED OF MY GOVERNMENT. Try doing your job and represent those in your district NOT those in your party. It's easy to do just do whats RIGHT!!!

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