Saturday, December 7, 2013

On that unemployment report...

On that unemployment report...  Before you get too excited about the unemployment rate dropping to 7%, remember this: that number is thoroughly cooked, in a highly politicized way that is designed to make the administration look good.  The fact that for five years now, the administration has looked quite bad (with respect to unemployment) tells just how awful the situation is.  With actual numbers, so does the graph at right: the uncooked numbers, showing you the percentage of Americans who are working.  That doesn't look quite so good now, does it?

If you look closely at that chart (and you should!), you'll notice that vertical axis is highly “magnified”: it's only showing from 58% to 64%.  Here's a way to think about it: a mere 1% increase in this rate indicates that 3.2 million more Americans have a job.  Ponder that while you watch the self-congratulatory posturings of That One and his minions...

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