Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Glitter nail polish – new security tool...

Glitter nail polish – new security tool...  This is wickedly clever – a cheap, easy, and effective way to tell if something has been tampered with.  For example, suppose you're traveling to China, Iran, or some other destination where you're afraid someone might open up your laptop and install a keylogger or similar device that will compromise the security of your laptop.  Actually preventing that may be impossible – but at least if you knew that your laptop had been opened, you'd know it wasn't safe to use it any more.

Enter the glitter nail polish.  Put a dot of nail polish over all the screws in your laptop's case.  Then (key part!) take a photo of those dots with your cell phone, and keep the cell phone with you at all times.  Now if you have to leave your laptop unguarded, you can do a “blink test” to compare the photos of the nail polish blobs with what you see now.  The glitter in the nail polish forms an effectively random pattern that would be practically impossible to copy precisely – and you've recorded it on your cell phone.  Even if the intruder managed to find the same nail polish you used, the pattern of the glitter would be different – and your brain's excellent pattern matching software would instantly detect the difference in the blink test.

Awesome, via Wired...

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