Monday, December 23, 2013

But the science is settled!

But the science is settled!  Physicist Pierre Darriulat, former Director of Research at CERN, submitted a statement to the British House of Commons' Energy and Climate Change Committee.  He did this because he'd heard of their investigation of the IPCC report.  He had quite a bit to say (his full statement is online).  Here's one statement that will give you the flavor:
The way the SPM deals with uncertainties (e.g. claiming something is 95% certain) is shocking and deeply unscientific. For a scientist, this simple fact is sufficient to throw discredit on the whole summary. The SPM gives the wrong idea that one can quantify precisely our confidence in the [climate] model predictions, which is far from being the case.
It's been clear for some time that the “consensus” was largely a construction of the IPCC, but it's still instructive to see how professional scientists – especially those who are outside the climate change funding axis – respond to the posturings of the warmists...

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