Sunday, October 27, 2013

How an Economy Grows and Why It Doesn't...

How an Economy Grows and Why It Doesn't...  This is a comic book, written by Irwin Schiff (the famous tax protester), with the art done by Vic Lockman.

Fellow Jamulian and reader Scott M. sent me a link to a PDF of the full comic, along with another one: The Kingdom of Moltz, about inflation and where it comes from.  Both are full of simply explained ideas, though the latter suffers a bit from the old trope that inflation is caused by getting off of “hard currency” (e.g., the gold standard).  Like all the purveyors of that theory, Schiff neglects the many historical occurrences of inflation in countries using hard currencies.  For instance, Europeans of the late 1500s could teach Schiff a thing or two about inflation under the gold standard :)

I don't generally read comic books (or “graphic novels”, as they're styled today). I enjoyed these, though – mainly because I could imagine some people I know reading them, and perhaps accidentally learning a thing or two.  Some of those people read this blog...

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