Sunday, December 30, 2012

AAA Wants E15 Gas Delayed...

Passed along by friend and reader Tom B.:

The American Automobile Association (AAA) is calling for legislators to suspend the sales of E15 gasoline (gasoline that is 15% ethanol) until concerns about vehicle damage and consumer confusion can be allayed.

I'd like to see sales suspended for a completely different reason: the utter stupidity of substituting corn-derived alcohol for gasoline.  Why is it stupid?  For starters, it's actually worse for the environment than using gasoline (though the environment is the excuse being used).  Secondly, it's an inferior fuel for the vast majority of internal combustion engines on the road today.

If you do the research that I have done, and convince yourself (as I have) that the above statements are true, you might wonder why on earth the federal government is mandating ethanol-polluted gasoline.  As always, just follow the money.  The corn industry is beside themselves with joy at this mandate, as it provides extremely high demand (and therefore high prices) for their product – and they don't even have to do any marketing to get it!  Naturally, they show their appreciation by showering the federal politicians with money (all very well documented).

Just follow the money.  As always...

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