Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Independence Day...

July 4th, our Independence Day, is normally a day I would quietly celebrate.  I'm not feeling much like celebrating this year, for complicated reasons of which the recent ObamaCare decision is just part of.  If I was to try to summarize how I'm feeling, it might go like this: it feels like the Progressive movement is destroying the country whose independence I would celebrate.  My country.  It would be a bit like celebrating the birthday of a cherished dog – who was busy gnawing at my leg.  It's hard to celebrate under those circumstances...

But while I don't feel like celebrating, I haven't given up and I'm not feeling desperate.  I want my country back, and I know it's possible to do it.  This November is the big chance – not the last one, but the biggest evident opportunity.

I saw this video from Bill Whittle yesterday.  It's the closest thing I've seen or read to my own position.  I'm with Bill...

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