Thursday, February 23, 2012

Growing Old...

Though I'm almost sixty years old, I spend very little time even thinking about my age – and none at all actually worrying about it.  About the only time I even notice is when some new physical limitation shows up, or if I notice (and I'm always surprised!) that some part of my skin is all wrinkled up.  The rest of the time I just feel like me, and my age is apparent only by the cumulative learning and experience it allows.  I don't ever wish I was young again...

So when I read this (short) post on growing old, I found a lot that resonated with me – especially this paragraph near the end:
If I could go back to being 20 again, but stay the person I am, I would. But if going back to being 20 meant going back to being the person I was when I was 20, there's no way I would do that.
Yes.  That's it exactly.

Read the whole thing...

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