Friday, October 7, 2011

A Year for Strange Weather...

October is generally the absolute peak of our annual wildfire season.  It was in October of 2007 that San Diego County experienced the worst wildfires it's ever seen.  Usually October is hot and dry, with the occasional Santa Ana wind blowing more hot and dry air over us from the desert.  It's those winds, combined with tinder-dry fuel, that are the fearsome enablers for the wildfire season...

This year has been very different.  First, the summer hasn't been nearly as hot and dry as in the most recent 8 years or so.  Second, we've had some rain during the dry season.  Night before last, we had over three quarters of an inch.  That may not sound like much rain to some of you, but for us it's not much short of a miracle – the fuel that we live amidst is now nicely wet down, right at the peak of our wildfire season when it's normally at its driest.  Our risk of wildfire over the next few weeks has been greatly reduced.

I can easily empathize with the peoples of ages ago, who would be outside doing some kind of dance to whatever spirits they thought needed to be thanked...

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