Tuesday, May 31, 2011

All Your Rubik's Cubes are Belong to Us...


  1. Well of course, the robot watched him mix it up in the first place, of course it could do it so quickly. Blindfold the robot then lets see how good it is... [smile]

  2. If I recall correctly from my geekier days with a Rubic's cube, there were a couple of patterns for solving it pretty quickly. Not much decision making involved, just following the correct sequences. So the programming is probably not all that complicated and the robotic arms far more limited than at any automotive plant... so this gets a Meh. from me. Though the blast shield in case the cube explodes from the sheer speed is a nice touch. :)

  3. Ok. How about a Juggling robot? much better than the puny Rubic's cube robot. I still have to give it a Meh because its really only juggling in a single plane, very controlled conditions and it STILL DROPPED THEM. We are still a ways from Skynet and Terminators I guess. Maybe next week.
