Sunday, November 29, 2009

CRU Does a U-Turn, is Releasing Climate Data...

For years now, the CRU has had a policy of keeping secret the key data needed to verify AGW.  Despite severe criticism even from within the scientific community (and even more from outside), they held onto this policy.  Of course this policy raised eyebrows and doubts about the rigor of their work.

In the wake of the ClimateGate leaks, the CRU has now reversed course, and says it will release all data (other than what they've lost – see earlier post) just as soon as they get releases from all involved. 

Their somewhat self-serving announcement is here.  As you're reading it, remember that this crowd is desperately trying to portray their innocence...

Given their past behavior, I'm a bit skeptical that the data will actually end up being public.  We'll see...

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