Saturday, September 13, 2008

Gibson vs. Palin...

I have not watched Gibson's interview of Palin, and after reading about it, I don't think I will – it seems apparent the man had an agenda, and isn't particularly influenced by facts or truths. Not exactly what I look for in a reporter.

Nancy Kallitechnis is a liberal writer whom I had never heard of until this morning, when reader Bill G. passed along a link to one of her posts on With some Googling all I could really discover is that she's a prolific poster on many liberal-oriented sites. It's clear from her posts that she's a very enthusiastic Hillary supporter, and has no love at all for The One. She posted a comparison of Gibson's interviews with Palin and Obama, and despite her agenda for Hillary, she makes some good points. Here's her conclusion:
There’s no doubt the Charles Gibson interviews showed extreme prejudice against Palin and extreme favoritism towards Obama. His manner towards Palin was much more negative. He asked her much more difficult questions and the questions were more adversarial. He constantly questioned her ability to lead but never questioned Obama’s ability to lead, all the more amazing considering that Palin was the only one with executive experience and the presidency is the highest level executive job in politics. The camera angles always focused on Obama’s face when he was talking making him the center of attention yet during Palin’s interview the angle often focused on her back apparently for the purpose of lessening the impact of her presence.

The questions, camera angle, and manner of the interviewer were designed in a way that favored Obama. Because Palin is a historic woman candidate and has been attacked with sexism it is reasonable to believe that ABC News is trying to harm her candidacy due to sexism. Of particular note is that Gibson asked Obama four questions about breaking the AA political glass ceiling but asked Palin zero questions about her breaking the women’s political glass ceiling. ABC’s prejudice against Palin was wrong and is blocking women’s progress towards equality. Palin is brave and strong and she, along with her supporters, will battle sexism and other forms of harmful prejudice in order to improve our world. This is a wake up call for ABC and the sexist news media to help them achieve their potential to be fair to candidates because fairness in the media is essential to a democracy.
Interesting stuff, especially considering the political inclinations of the author. What's even more interesting are the comments following the post...

1 comment:

  1. Watch it. You'll see a deer in the headlights. She had no clue about the "Bush Doctrine"... oh man that was awful... Gosh, I'm smarter than she is. Maybe he should have asked her opinion on the "Project for a New American Century"? heh heh...

    And so what if ANY reporter has an agenda? Obama didn't think O'Reilly had an agenda? Common now Palin lovers; If she can't handle a reporter with an agenda then tell her to get the hell out of the way...
