Thursday, May 22, 2008

Bear vs. Bird Feeders...

My sister (Holly) wrote to say that her bird feeders had been demolished by a bear. More photos of the ursine destruction here. She and her husband live in an uncivilized and wild part of Virginia, where apparently bears (and who knows what other beasts) rampage with impunity.

I think this is more evidence (as if we needed any more!) of the vast squirrel wing conspiracy. It's obvious that the corrupt bears are controlled by their squirrel puppet-masters, destroying the “squirrel-proof” feeders so as to expose all those delicious seeds to the greedy squirrels. Kind of like the drug cartels in Mexico corrupting the Mexican “police”...

1 comment:

  1. ...uncivilized?! Is this how you must represent me (and stereotyping all Central Virginians this way? Shame on you) on your blog?
    Grins! (Holly) the sister...
