Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Quote of the Day...

From Coyote Blog:
First and foremost, the state of California demonstrates itself to be just as financially incompetent as any condo-flipping doctor who now finds himself stuck with a bunch of mortgages he can't pay.
He's talking about this list of figures, showing how much money the state of California has spent annually, in 2007 dollars, per citizen:
1990-1991: $2,755
1995-1996: $2,470
2000-2001: $3,558
2005-2006: $3,416
2007-2008: $3,767
Just since 1990, state spending has increased by some 37% – a huge expansion of state government, and the financial engine behind “Nannifornia”. Schwarzenegger – who campaigned as a fiscal conservative – is trying to break all records for raising state expenditures. He's on the verge of succeeding in this effort.

Maybe Jamul should secede...


  1. Our beloved governor's large increase in spending is no different than the Federal go'vt in the same period under Bush. Vote for a change.

  2. There is no change. Its at best a fantasy and I'm pretty convinced there can't be.

    The Republicans and Democrats have a lock on the process. They know it and don't want it to change. Somewhere along the line they figured out if they wink and nod at each other, they can keep it that way.

    A true moderate that doesn't tow the party line cannot get RNC or DNC funding and support and doesn't stand a chance in polarized primaries. In fact, I'm pretty well convinced that the top RNC and DNC people are really pulling the strings. And with gerymandered districts, it is almost impossible for a seat to change hands.

    How many times have you heard, well if my guy doesn't win the primary then I'll support whoever (of my party) does. Its become such an us vs. them thing I can't seen any possibility of it changing.

