Monday, September 10, 2007

Birthday: First Course...

Today is my birthday, and this year I'm as old as some of the dirt in my yard. Since 9/11, I can't help but associate my birthday with that awful day – today I celebrate getting older; tomorrow I remember and honor the ghosts of 9/11.

But today my lovely bride is doing her best to help me celebrate. We just finished the first course of what will be a long, drawn-out celebratory meal. For this course, she cooked one of my favorite foods – sea scallops – and they were simply spectacular. Note the past tense: those scallops are now happily lodged in my stomach.

She fixed them in a very simple manner, but oh, my they were delicious. She first fixed a light sauce with a touch of garlic, fresh tarragon, lemon zest, and salted butter. She drizzled this over the scallops and then broiled them for just a few minutes. The tops were lightly browned, and they were absolutely perfectly done (and that's quite tricky with scallops, as I know from many times that I've overcooked them). Yum!

I can hardly wait for the second course…

1 comment:

  1. Debbie is treating you to a great meal and helping celebrate your birthday and you are up posting on the internet?! I think perhaps you need your head examined!
