Thursday, May 24, 2007

Big Change!

You may have noticed that the blog looks much different!

Due to major technical difficulties, I have switched from using Pebble (open source blog software) on my own server to using Blogger (free software and hosting) from Google.

So far I have not figured out any way to move all my old posts (or photos) from the old blog to the new one -- so for now, at least, I'm simply starting over...


  1. Glad I found the new site - I was worrying the JamulBlog was gone! There is a new story of interest for people in East Jamul: the latest propsed routing of the Powerlink lines is, as best as I can tell from the small map, going right through eastern Jamul:

    Along with the casino, this is another cause worth rallying against...

  2. Thanks, Michael... But it is gone, unfortunately -- all the 1,400+ posts that I made on the old blog. I sure wish I had a way to resurrect them! That's interesting about the PowerLink re-route; I'll post on that -- thanks!
