Thursday, April 19, 2007

Quote of the Day

Words just fail me…

"I believe myself that the secretary of state, secretary of defense and — you have to make your own decisions as to what the president knows — (know) this war is lost and the surge is not accomplishing anything as indicated by the extreme violence in Iraq yesterday,” said Senator Harry Reid, Democrat from Nevada and Senate Majority Leader.

In his following comments, Senator Reid made it clear that he meant exactly what he said in the preceding quote: that in his judgment, the war in Iraq is “not winnable militarily”.


One of the highest ranking, most powerful members of the political party that controls the legislative branch of the Federal government has decided the United States — by far the most powerful country on the planet — cannot win the war in Iraq. The sniveling worm is ready to unilaterally hand victory to Al Qaida.

After five and a half years of open warfare and struggle on three continents…

After our military forces (with some help, to be fair) have taken out huge numbers of Al Qaida fighters and inflicted grievous harm to the organization…

After Osama Bin Laden has been driven into hiding, and dozens of other Al Qaida leaders killed or captured…

After we have freed the Afghan people from the Taliban and the Iraqi people from the evil despot Saddam…

And just as objective reports on the ground in Iraq cite much progress at just about every level — including ever-increasing readiness of the newly independent Iraqi government to stand on their own feet…

...Harry Reid, that sorry excuse for an American, wants to chuck it all in. Give up. Retreat. Declare defeat. And fight terrorism with economic sanctions and diplomacy. Which, after seeing the results of Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Damascus, we can say with some authority are just code words for appeasement.

Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are entirely representative of their party, unfortunately. About the most charitable interpretation I can make of their behavior is that they’ve allowed their partisanship to overwhelm their patriotism. But that’s really just another kind of spin — the truth is, I’m afraid, much simpler:

They’re traitors.

And they’re in charge of Congress.

And they want to put one of theirs in the White House…

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