Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Liberal Appeasement

Jack Kelly (a columnist) thinks that liberals need to have their heads examined:

Some liken liberal appeasers to those Britons who wanted to make a deal with Hitler after the fall of France in 1940. That’s unfair to those appeasers. Their attitude was not honorable, but it was reasonable. The Nazis then possessed a substantial advantage in military power. Today’s liberal appeasers embrace dhimmitude even though it’s the West that has a huge military and economic advantage.

This extent to which liberals are willing to accept inferior status to Muslims even in their own countries is mind-boggling. In Britain, schools are dropping references to the Holocaust to avoid offending Muslims, the Daily Mail reported. In Minneapolis, some Muslim cab drivers reject passengers carrying alcohol, and Muslim clerks in a grocery store have refused to wait on customers who want to buy pork products. In several Western countries, some Muslim cab drivers have turned away blind passengers with seeing-eye dogs. (Many Muslims consider dogs “unclean.")

Liberals are not so much terrified by the threat radical Islam poses as they are oblivious to it. A recent poll indicated a majority of Democrats are more worried about global warming than Islamic terror. While many liberals do indeed need to have backbones surgically implanted, more need to have their heads examined.

Read the whole thing.

I had to stop after reading that last paragraph, just to savor the image Mr. Kelly’s words evoked. If I were to send your typical American liberal through an MRI machine, would I be able to detect either a spine or a brain?

Perhaps not…

1 comment:

  1. In the old blog, Cliff said:
    http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/meast/05/02/iraq.scenarios/index.htmlI can’t believe that CNN posted the above article. Maybe some liberals are getting concerned that their bogus war agenda (or should I say retreat agenda) might actually actually come to pass.
