Thursday, February 8, 2007

One Life = One Year

Jonny Dallo was sentenced today to one year in jail for killing Jodi Burnett through his reckless actions. From the San Diego Union-Tribune:

A 19-year-old Jamul man was sentenced Thursday to one year in jail because he killed a mother of five in a high-speed crash last June.

He also was placed on probation for three years, and will lose his license for three years.

This kind of slap-of-the-wrist sentence is exactly what I was afraid of when we got news of Jonny’s sudden guilty plea. It smelled like a plea bargain had been struck (though none was made public), and this sentence certainly seems to confirm that. In the absence of any public information, we’re left to stew with our worst suspicions — that the high-powered legal team defending Jonny somehow raised enough doubt to scare the prosecutors into bargaining for a light sentence. Or even worse, that the prosecutors had somehow been bought. One commenter (on another post relating to this case) speculates that the Dallo family paid the Burnett family to get their support for a lighter sentence for Jonny — possible, I suppose, but again there is no public information to support that.

In the end, with what has been made public, here’s what we know: a hard-working mother and wife is dead from a horrible car wreck that happened only because of Jonny Dallo’s incredibly reckless driving. Dead.

And Jonny gets one year in jail.

Do you think that justice has been served here?

I do not.


  1. In the old blog, concerned Jamulian said:
    Finally you and I agree on a topic that touches all of us Locals Tom. This is dead wrong/ as you said BOUGHT, what has our court system come too? 1 year means 5mos with good behavior and overcrowding. the Burnett family should be elated that this punk got convicted because this makes the civil case so much stronger. I doubt that there was and positive negotiations between the two families on poor jonnys behalf, Just a screwed up court system. To Jonny and his family I say KARMAdont let it run over you dogma>

  2. In the old blog, tmt said:
    I feel very sorry for the Burnett family. I really believe that if someone with little or no financial support they would have received a heavier sentence. One year is not enough time to serve for killing someone’s wife and sympathies again for the Burnett family

  3. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    The Burnett family needs to get the strength to punish the Dallos since our screwed up system did not. Sue the hell out of them because money is their God. Money will not bring Jodi back, but I guarantee you it will hurt the Dallos because that is what is most precious to them. I am ashamed of our system. What a joke and a slap in the face to the Burnetts. I just hope they don’t sit back and take it.

  4. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    it was a CAR ACCIDENT NOT MURDER an accident it could happen to anyone just wrong place wrong time!! one year is more than enough! remember this kid had no previous criminal record!

  5. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Excuse me- An accident DOES NOT HAPPEN when an idiot chooses to SPEED. That is manslaughter!!!! Also, he had previous speeding tickets and his brother Brandon got a speeding ticket right after Jodi was killed by this punk. When are the parents going to take control of these brats who CHOOSE to take lives???? Do not give lame excuses that it was an accident!!!!

  6. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Your an idiot, how would you know that his brother got a ticket? Are you that bored at with your life that your stocking the dallo family and finding out what happends to them so you can come on here and talk crap.

  7. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    definetly STALKERS here!! And Branden did not get another speeding ticket. Get a life losers. My heart goes out to the Burnett family. I hope Jonny can get a picture of Jodi to carry in his wallet. Maybe her face will remind him to keep her legacy alive. I hope this motivates him to speak to teans and make them realize how important it is to drive carefully and to wear their seatbelt.

  8. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Believe me, I am not talking crap, Brandon did get a ticket. And it is stalking, not stocking, so whose the idiot??? P.S. Drop the “d” on happens :)

  9. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    “Whose” the idiot? Or “Who’s” the idiot, dumbass.

  10. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    I knew that, was just testing you, hee hee!!! Would rather be a dumb ass than someone who took a life:)

  11. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    No disrespect to Jodi, but people die everyday, some get murdered, some die of natural causes, some trip over their own feet. Either way we are human and we all have done something wrong in the past. Weather it be speeding,stealing, or anything else for that matter. This was an accident! Who knows it could have still happened if he was driving 40 mph. Many people are making this about Jonathan’s family. Don’t punish the kid because his family has money. If money is what it takes to stay out of prison then I suggest that you make as much of it as you can and enjoy your freedom.

  12. I searched long and hard, and found one thing in this comment that I can agree with: that it makes no sense to drag Jonny’s family into this discussion. What Jonny did is all about Jonny.

    But that’s the only thing I can find to agree with! The rest of this comment basically says that none of us are responsible for our actions.

    My anonymous commenter explicitly makes a statement of moral equivalence between people that die of natural causes ("people die every day") and Jodi’s killing at the hands of Jonny. He or she goes on to say (in effect) “Hey, it could have happened if he was going 40 MPH, so the fact that he was going over 100 MPH is irrelevant.”

    After reading this comment I have the urge to take a hot, soapy shower. Followed by a large drink.

    This sort of moral bankruptcy — a complete denial of the importance of personal responsibility — toes the liberal political line, and is (in my not-so-humble opinion) at the root of much of what ails our country right now. The attitude is “blame everything but myself” when something goes wrong. It’s never some individual’s fault; individuals, in this bizarre philosophical universe, are never to blame. Instead, it’s always “an accident” or “something made him do it”.

    This is not the spirit that built America.

    It is the spirit that is destroying Europe in front of our very eyes.

    And it will destroy this country if we let it…

  13. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Thank you Tom! I think a lot of the anger that is rooted in this blog is the fact that there is no accountability for the actions and there has been arrogance about the situation. I klnow personally that many people felt that “Jonny would get off.” I personally was told at one day after the incident that he was home sleeping and not worried by what had happened right after the sad day. That is what angers me. I am sure that others were told the same, therefore we are frustrated and have vented through this blog. Thank you for allowing us this opportunity. We just feel that some remorse should be shown.

  14. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Thank you Tom! I think a lot of the anger that is rooted in this blog is the fact that there is no accountability for the actions and there has been arrogance about the situation. I klnow personally that many people felt that “Jonny would get off.” I personally was told at one day after the incident that he was home sleeping and not worried by what had happened right after the sad day. That is what angers me. I am sure that others were told the same, therefore we are frustrated and have vented through this blog. Thank you for allowing us this opportunity. We just feel that some remorse should be shown.

  15. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    That is absolutely ridiculous. Take this from someone who knows for a fact that Johnny was not at home sleeping the day after the tragedy. What gives you the right to say that he was not worried and has shown no remorse? Did you witness that? Are you a member of his family? I didn’t think so. As a matter of fact, he and his family have been suffering through this entire ordeal and he has shown remorse day in and day out. You have no idea what you are talking about. When you don’t know someone personally, don’t judge them and feel that you have the right to post such cruel lies about them on this blog.

  16. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    He wasn’t home sleeping the day after the tragedy. What I said was that at one point some time after the killing he was home resting and not worried. I guarantee you it was a family member who told me this, that “he is doing great home sleeping right now” and went on to say that he will get off of it. I would bet you my life earnings that if I took a lie detector test on this fact I would prevail.

  17. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Of course family members told you he was doing great. Quite frankly, telling you the truth would have been none of your business. Telling you that 'he will get off of it” sounds like bullshit to me because that was never an option. We are not terrible people who think that Johnny did nothing wrong. Stop trying to portray us that way. To be quite honest with you, whoever you are, you have no right to judge Johnny or make any more comments about the Dallo Family. You and yor stupid lie detector test that you wish to take.

  18. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    I, like everyone else am entitled to an opinion. I DO have a right to judge someone who chooses to drive recklessly and endanger my family when he is out on the road doing so. Jonny did wrong and must be punished. I think you’re just upset because he didn’t get the easy way off by doing work furlough like you all hoped for. Just anopther example of how you’re not stepping up to the plate and taking what is due, example- Asking for work furlough instead of serving time in prison for doing wrong!!! As others have said, if Jonny was from a poor family the sentence would have been a lot harsher, so be thankful for the money you have Mr. Dallo. End of story

  19. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    No it’s not the end of story until I tell you on behalf of the entire Dallo Family that you can take your comments and go to hell.

  20. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Too bad Jonny wasn’t the one who was killed in the crash. Then justice would’ve truly prevailed.

  21. In the old blog, tmt said:
    when does jonny start to serve his sentence?

  22. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    For those of you who say Johnny is not being held accountable, he pled guilty and is in jail at this time. To me that shows some accountability. And for those who say there is no remorse, if you really know this boy you will know how deeply sorry he is. If you havent seen it, that just means that you are blinded by your hate for this boy and his family. And God willing, when Johnny gets out of jail, although he will be out, he and his family will always have to live with what happened and how he was responsible for Jodi’s death. That punishment will never come to an end.

  23. For the Dallo family, you should be willing to give all your money to the poor Burnett family, who lost not only a woman, but a wife, and mother. You spend all your time thinking about what kind of house you want to live in, or what kind of car you want this time. This is a shame. The woman dress like they are the CHALDEAN DYNASTY, but all they are all uneducated woman who don't know how to read and write English. And the men, that is another story; they are all adulters, Jonny's dad cheats on his wife like there is no tomorrow; and the others cheat in their store office room; ask their employees, they will confirm what I am saying... they are a disgrace and fake human beings. Wives are miserable with their husbands, but they just stick around because of the money. So Burnett family, take away their money, and see where they will be. That's all they have is money, but no class or no dignity... Please Burnett family, be strong and file a lawsuit against them for taking away your wife, and mother.

  24. Johnnny didnt even serve a YEAR he was let out in 3 months what are you talking about and when he was let out his family threw a huge party like he was in there for years or something. They dont care that jodi died because of their evil son who wanted to speed.

  25. When asked how things are going with Johnny his family would say "I hope Jodi's whole family would just die for what they have put us through".
    Then they would talk about Jodi's husband and how his whole family looks like trash off the streets.
    and nobody would say anything! There sick people.

    Can you imagine these heartless people living in Jamul who have no respect for anyone or anything in their way.

  26. HE was NOT HELD ACCOUNTABLE end of story. He got away with murder.

  27. The Dallos dont care about the Burnetts they dont even care about thier own wives.

  28. If the Dallo's have so much money why do they shop at Ross everyday.

  29. Care about the Burnetts why would they when they dont even sit next to their wives at a chaldean wedding while other husbands do.

    The Dallo's are the most uneducated people I know who try so hard to have class but just don't no matter what they do, their wives try to make their lives look good to the outside people while their bald ugly husbands are cheating on them everyday.
    What a joke.

  30. Well It looks like Karma works sometimes. This morning Jonny Dallo was killed in a single car wreck on Jamul Drive. He was driving his Porche Carrerra at a high rate of speed (sound familiar) when he lost control and went off the embankment, rolling several times. His passenger was able to climb out of the car and get up to the road on her own. Jonny was pinned under the over turned car and pronounced dead at the scene. Ironic, since I was at the wreck where Jonny killed the innocent lady delivering newspapers 5 years ago.

  31. It was actually Johnny Dallo's younger brother, Brandon Dallo who was killed in the crash. My prayers are with the family and may he rest in peace.

  32. my condolences go the the dallo family. my god be with them.

  33. Wow to the anonymous person a few posts above mine. How could somebody be so cruel and heartless? You are a corrupt person and you need help. First and foremost the Dallo's earned their money from HARD WORK. Chaldeans came to American with nothing but $5 and no knowledge of American lifestyle so its safe to say our "chaldean dynasty" has been well earned. SECONDLY, to all of you commenting on this post talking about karma and what not..all of the heartless comments you are making about Jonny and his beloved brother Branden, may he rest in Peace, WILL COME BACK TO BITE YOU IN THE ASS. You may think writing these messages anonymously will save you from that but hiding behind your computer screen and writing such horrible things about someone is just proof of hor pathetic you lives really are. The Dallo's are the most generous, kind hearted people I have ever met and for you to say their "selfish and heartless" is just utter ignorance on your behalf. Rest in Paradise Branden we all love you and are praying for you and your family.


  34. Vendela-of course your going to take his back, your his friend. We all know the truth about the DALLOS. HA HA HA such fools!

  35. What a horrible family and they earned this.
    Thats what they get for wishing bad things onto others like they did. Most selfish people I know.
    I hope it hurt real bad all the way down.
    Everyone deserves what they get it's just they deserve much more worse.

  36. wow this is seriously insane i cant believe people are allowed to write shit like this. . .like who the effff do u guys think u r talking all this smack! get a life! u demented freaks

  37. This is really sad. It doesn't seem the younger Dallo learned from Jonny's mistake in driving recklessly. According to some accounts, alcohol is suspected as a factor. No one is invincible and it doesn't look the parents disciplined their children at all. What are these young kids doing driving such expensive cars so late and so fast in Jamul-- a town known for dark, windy roads? Where's the learning from others' mistakes and being careful? It's a shame.

  38. Branden was trying to showoff like he always does because there all a bunch of braggers and showoffs they try to drink more then anyone in the room and brag about doing this and that and driving fast but this time drove really fast right off the road thks for doing us all a favor. Good ridance.

  39. Vendela why dont you go and ask there store workers how kind hearted and generous the Dallo's really are. I'm sure they'll tell you.
    Your chaldean the dallo's live to look good infront of everyone thats how they live their pathetic lives everyday. What torture for them.
    Your the only one who is ignorant about how people really are. The whole world knows the truth even you, it's just your trying to make them look good because your their friend that makes you a horrible person.

    I'm sure good hearted people dont cheat on their wives and take vacations with their gf's.

  40. your not convincing anyone Vendela get a life
    or try harder it will take a miracle for even a 3 year old to believe that. Funniest thing i have ever heard your hilarious. nice try though.
    I'll give you that.

  41. Jonathon, look what you've done! Your poor little brother didnt deserve this, you deserved this for what you've done 5 yrs ago! God took away your little brother because one word KARMA!!!!!! Its your fault that your brother is dead. How can you live with that? Sorry, but you guys deserve this, it will teach you guys a lesson hopefully and this families big-headed smugness will end after this but who am I to say this, you guys will always be fuck ups in life and big-headed even after all of this.

  42. Brandon Dallo, driving recklessly, killed! Tsk tsk! Has he learned anything from his older brother Jonathon? These kids are very irresponsible! They should NOT be allowed to own a car! There not capable of driving, and apparently not old enough to drive! They should grow up first, then maybe get a car. I heard that Jonathon and Brandon have been problematic on the roads with piles and piles of speeding tickets. Shouldnt his parents teach him about life, educate thier son, that being selfish and putting other people at risk on the roads is not a good thing. I guess not, so it is what it is. His father is too busy with his cheating habits and his mother is busy shopping, wasting her husbands cash to make herself feel better. These people are so FAKE. Get over yourselves Dallos.

  43. Bradon Dallo was driving with this girl, trying to impress her in his porsche or his daddy's porsche, driving so fast, thinking hes the man and boom hes dead. Hahaha!! Thats what you get for being such a show off! I REALLY don't understand why a guy would borrow his mom/dad/friend's car & whip it around town pretending it's his own. The truth eventually comes out, & will that same girl be thrilled when you pick her up in your Nissan?! You should be impressing women with your amazing IDENTITY (Which he does not have)& not trying 2 be defined by a mere a...utomobile!!! ANYONE can lease a nice car for a day; sadly, it's extremely rare 2 find a nice MAN ;-)

  44. if all they care about is how they look infront of people then why would Branden's sister marry a guy that looks like he could be her grandfather i mean hes bald and short. He's busy getting hair replacements when its just not working out that well for him.

    wouldn't they try to do better then getting with hugh hefner look a likes thats gross. What kind of parents allow their kids to marry gross old men.

  45. no there parents dont have time to teach them anything ones out shopping because her husband doesn't love her and ones shopping with his gf's.

    and no there smugness doesn't go away the more they mess up the more drive it gives then to act like their better and nothing can affect them and this funeral will just give them more opprtunities to brag and showoff.

  46. I cant believe he didnt learn for his brother's mistake!!!!!!!!!!! These kids are horrible!!!!! His parents should be taken away, for not teaching self discipline to these kids when they were young. Not once but twice!!! At least teach them about what happend to Johnny so they can learn from his brother's mistakes! Unbelievable! Chaldeans are very uneducated people in raising kids, and plus these kids have no education, these boys Brandon, & Jonathon couldnt even finish high school, all of their kids have no jobs, depending on thier parents, what kind of future is that? And Melanie barely finished high school, who was in special ed, got married and settled down like her mother, depending on her husband for cash like he's her father. These kids are spoiled, and selfish who are supoosed to be locked in thier homes like animals! Its sad because they have no one to look up to-thier mom is uneducated, who is a housewife, and their dad is an an adulterer.

  47. Vendela Younan is a bigger loser then the Dallo's. Haha Hey Brandon how was the ride down the cliff I bet it was real fun. He thinks hes the man when his daddy lets him drive a car when he cant even afford a honda civic.
    One less Fake Dallo showoff off the street.

  48. I hope he was pinned and crushed and bled to death under that car just like his brother did to jodi but justice will never be served until this happens to jonathon as well.
    The Dallo's deserve a lot more then this for their cocky attitude.

  49. How could you say somebody "earns" loosing a loved one? You seriously disgust me but unlike all of you pathetic creatures..I cant even categorize you as human beings because you're all so immoral.. I let God judge people I dont waste my time to hate and criticize families. The Dallo's are the most gracious, humble people. And knowing them is truly a blessing

  50. For those of you who do not know Branden Dallo should STOP JUDGING! I was lucky enough to know him and he was a very kind person. He always put a smile on everyone's face in the room and its sad how all you people continue to bash the family. Yes, I am Chaldean but Branden was friends with many different people and they will tell you the same thing about him being one of the most lovable and kind young man.

    As for Johnny Dallo, none of you knew the pain he has gone through and is still going through right now. Johnny pays for his mistake emotionally and has never been the same since the accident and for all of you to think it is karma for him that Branden died is disgusting and sad that you can even think that.

    I GUARANTEE your family is not perfect so stop judging their family. They are none of your business and should find the goodness in your heart to stop saying negative comments about them.

    A young man died today and all you can talk about is how bad the family is? Maybe you should STOP talking about them and START taking action with the city to come up with a solution to the roads to prevent another fatal crash.

  51. To all of you low life scumbag mottherfuckers have the decency to respect the dead and understand that his family is going through a tough time and shouldn't have to see you punk ass pussy hiding behind a computer screen pretending like your someone special. Someone died last night and your saying they deserve it because their brother made a mistake well that's judgmental and stupid so go look in the mirror and see what's there because your probably looking at a piece of shit the Dallos are a family of respect and honor if you have something to say about Johnny or his family say it to him not through an anonymous blog. And Branden was the most kindhearted person I have ever met all he did was good and your going to laugh at his death you think karma got them wait till it fucks all of your dumbasses over

  52. I am disgusted. How can you people be so awful as to say such sharp words and accusations. This family is mourning the loss of their son and you have the nerve to say he deserves it? The more personal and bitter your comments became, the more questionable your own sense of character has been portrayed, being filled with such fascination and hatred towards this family. The Dallo family are in my prayers, and also for you cruel and ruthless people that have only embarrassed yourselves by stating such remarks.


    For all you haters, kiss our CHALDEAN asses you low life trash jamulian HATERS > E.A.D

    Funny how we came to this country with only a dollar and a dream like vendela said and were sitting so much higher then all of you scum bags blogging. Worry about your own little crappy drug oriented families before talking about any CHALDEAN family and our OWN personal lives.

    Karma played no part in any of this. It was all in the hands of God as he had a plan for Branden. Instead, you all have become a bunch of hypocrite losers talking shit at someones death. THATS LOW and you all need to find something better to do in your lives or maybe get some help! (if u can afford it of course)

    Rest.In.Paradise ~ Branden Dallo
    Greatest Guy

  54. Are you saying chaldeans dont do drugs there all a bunch of drug dealers and brandon was a alcoholic pot head. Dallo's are the biggest low lifes there are all the females rely on there husbands to survive. Well there mourning and in pain right now well thats what they get when your not good people they should suffer untill no end. May God bestow the pain of the whole world onto them. I will pray for their souls to be in agony and despair. For them to all suffer a horrific death filled with screams and unbearable pain for their wicked blood to drench the streets and worms will eat their flesh.

    They will walk in darkness, their graves will be their homes just like brandon.

  55. These kids dont learn they have ADHD or some kind of brain disfunction their not very bright they cant go to any schools. Do you really think their parents should of been like look what happened to your brother brandon I mean didn't he already know what happened? or did he need someone to point that out to him.

  56. Its not jonathon couldnt finish high school he couldnt fit in the desk to finish high school.
    And Melanie well her brain doesnt function intellectually so she got plastic surgery and got married as soon as possible to any bald guy right after hs because she wanted to not have to explain to people why shes not going to college.
    And that was her only solution. The kids are all fat and lazy with no class or education. But thats the outcome with parents like these and this is reality not all chaldeans are uneducated its just these parents are unfit.

  57. All of Melanie 's plastic surgery couldn't really help save her daughter the agony, she still got the most horrible nose ever its 3 inches wide. Her daughter looks like a fat little boy. Never have I seen an uglier baby how can you have something like that come out of you, how much surgery has the mother had.
    Good luck with that.

  58. Gods plan for brandon was for him to die a horrible death. And burn Alive.
    haha good plan.

  59. To all you scum trash who can just sit here and talk crap about a family who has just lost someone, and a special some one at that. A guy who was kind hearted to everyone that he came into contact to is DISGUSTING, and for the rest of you talking about KARMA i cant wait to read the paper when it says one of you white scumbags died in Jamul, i'm going to make sure that no matter how horrific the death was it will be glorified that one of u good for nothing scums is off our streets. All of you want to talk about the family and there show offs and money and things like that, only because you envy them and want to be like them. Yes, what happened with Johnny is tragic but to laugh in their faces at the death of their son brings a whole new meaning to low. one word of advice look at our own disfunctional crack headed familys before you speak out upon another family, PS i hope you and your kids die so we can all laugh at it

  60. You guys are joking right? Happy that a 21 year old died because his brother? The Dallo's may or may not have their flaws but does that mean a innocent 21 year old should have to pay for those flaws with his life? I can say with 100% confidence that EVERY family has their fair share of problems people just tend to discuss the Dallo's more cause they have money and others are extremely jealous. I personally went to school with Mike Dallo at St. Augustine High school (all boys private school that is A LOT harder then public HS) and know for a fact that he was a smart kid. After graduating he went on to UCSD. Im hoping the people laughing at his death are immature 10 year old kids thinking its funny getting everyone worked up. If it's not then you are clearly a sad individual that represents all that is wrong in the world today.

    And to you Chaldeans (which i am also) that keep saying indirectly "we have more money then you"....get a life seriously. Having more money then someone doesn't make you any better.

  61. no one was saying mike dallo was dumb there saying the other 3 were brain dead and really stupid. And its not just the white trash of jamul that says stuff about the dallo's other chaldeans do and their own friends as well. No ones jealous of these people why would anyone be their all miserable with there cheating husbands and have sad pathetic lives. The people that i know who are talking about them all have money themselves so it cant be jealousy.

  62. this blog needs to be deleted. everybody report it. the button is at the very top in the gray margin

  63. Stop the hate and violence report on the top GREY MARGIN

  64. the dallo's are a bunch of alcoholic druggies.
    but typical for chaldeans so it's nothing new.

  65. I'm chaldean and I agree what everyone is saying! So true!

  66. you guys are nothing but a bunch of scum trash no matter what the race, have some respect from the dead, imagine how people are gonna talk about you and your family when your dead you want them going online hiding their identity and talking shit about a family when their grieving the most. Money makes no difference in anyway and these people that you say know them so well, if they did they there just as bad as the rest of u scum to not show respect for someone in a time like this, Get a life and man up. i hope that to all you people out there doing nothing but talking shit about the family all one day are put in the same situation so that everyone can go on the internet and talk shit during your time of grieving.... scumbag
    P.S. i hope it happens soon

  67. Vendela, I'm chaldean and everyone knows the truth, even their cousins, friends, and YOU and your family. Im one of thier closest friends, Its so sad of what happend, Branden did'nt deserve this, but to be honest they are really two-faced and you got to admit that for everyone that are saying these things are the truth. Mike Dallo is the worst of them all, taking everyone's buisness, and opening up his own buisness not caring about other people but himself. And these people who are saying all of this are not all white c'mon lets be real here, there all Chaldeans. R.I.P. Branden Dallo.

  68. What has this society come to

  69. Your obviously not one of their closest friends due to your outrageous, hateful commentary on your post. The truth? Ill give you the truth..Branden Dallo was the most friendly guy around. His smile could seriously light up any room and his presence brought joy to everyone around. His charming personality made everyone feel special in their own way. Branden was such a sincere, thoughtful human being. Thousands of people are grieving his death because of the tremendous impact he made on so many lives. The comments all of you people are leaving are unfathomable and completely inhumane. Im ashamed to live in a world that is filled with such hate. Ethnicity and money have nothing to do with any of this so stop blaming the Dallo's for being "wealthy and chaldean" its just a a way for you pathetic animals to make your useless lives seem meaningful. The Dallo's had something so much more than money..and that's love and appreciation for every member of their family.

  70. Mike Dallo is the oldest son. Everyone keeps talking about how stupid these kids supposedly are yet the oldest son graduated from St. Augustine and then got his masters at UCSD. People on here are talkin s*** and they dont even know they have a 3rd son. Ya you must really know the family well huh?

  71. What stupid kids these dallo's are how embarrassing to be their parents.

  72. Everyone on here knows the dallo family how would they know all this and its all true.
    Bunch of scum and trash thats what they are and enyone else who is trying to make them look good because they need the help sooo bad.

  73. I never knew him but reading these comments make me sick to my stomach that there is soo much hate and evil in this world.

  74. Brandons personality-these kids personality was dumber then a doornob and no were not driving broke down cars anyone can go and lease a benz, or bmw its not that hard its called having a job.
    You think its only them who can afford these cars what world are you living in. Are you saying their better then me because they got better cars then me I gurenntee you my cars are better. They actually had 2 old beat down benz once I would never drive a car more then a couple years old and they do. SO LET IT GO and DEAL WITH IT.

  75. ignorant person on here is the one talking about their cars but ok how about brandons sister was driving a vw in high school and I was driving a bmw in hs how about that so you can go and fuck off.
    You must be the only one impressed with cars and i feel real sorry for you that you cant join the rest of us who have nice cars. Do you think it's all the broke white trash in jamul thats jealous of the dallo's that are talking shit well its the chaldean's who are just as rich as them or richer who are talking shit as well and theres lots of those.

  76. The dallo's dont care about how johnny killed some woman their upset that he went to jail for it for 2 whole months or was it one. I forgot.
    But thats why they were upset they could care less about jodi in fact they were saying how its horrible for their son to be going through all this and court and those weeks in jail but nothing about jodi they said she was white trash.
    I was there i know if anyone says its not true there lying.

  77. To the guy that is talking about the dallo's cars and how there sitiing at the top in cars well it's not even theres it's there daddy's cars. Brandon couldn't even afford 1990 a beat up toyota so keep dreaming.

    oh and by the way i drive a s550 so go and choke on your jealousy seems like your the only one who is jealous.

  78. you people are sick. I'm not going to try to insult you or convince you that your actions are wrong because clearly you're all to stubborn to change your opinions on the Dallo family, but I would like to say regardless of your feelings towards the family for whatever reasons you have to wish death upon a 21 year old kid and say that he or anybody deserves to die at such young age is very wrong. If you have a brother, a sister, a son, a daughter, a nephew or a niece, I want you to imagine having to wake up one morning to find out that in a few days you will have to bury someone you love. The hurtful words you throw at a recently deceased kid is truly sickening. Why do you want to cause even more pain to a suffering family? A son, a brother, a nephew, a friend was lost, imagine if you were in their shoes do you really want to see words of hate slung against someone that you loved who you will never see again? Choose your words before you use them and no that they are powerful. Do you really want to be known as a person filled with hate? Or a person who aims to hurt those that are already hurt? Please reconsider before posting hateful messages.

    Allen O.

  79. BRANDON DALLO was accused of HARASSMENT it's on the superior court of Ca website. look it up on case type: civil
    on: 11-28-07 Girls name Sheariah.
    Case Number: 37-2007-00062650-CU-HR-EC

    So how about that and if you look up the last name dallo theres a whole bunch of other cases on them as well. So stop all your lying about them being the greatest of all people when you obviously dont know.

  80. No one is saying that they are the best people in the world but you are saying that they are the worst, the sad thing is that in almost everyone one of these posts the only thing that u can keep talking about is money, and cars? No matter who has these things the fact that this anonymous person who ever you are white chaldean mexican black what ever you are are lower then the lowest scumbag in the world and all this hatered that you have against the family is disgusting. Does talking about the family make you feel better about your sorry self low life piece of shit. you have nothing else to do in your pathetic life but sit on the computer and try your best to find out information litterally stocking the family just to try and humiliate them. personally i dont think you did anything but humiliate yourself. to the other anonymous post that was a chaldean u might be the biggest scum of all selfish joke. You actually have the balls to go on about his family taking business and things like that if you had the chance to do it you would, and thats a fact. you are a disgusting human being and i hope that you rott in hell for all the things that you say. Everyone in here needs to reevaluate their own lives before comming online and talking about someone elses. the funny thing about all this is that you guys keep posting things Anonymously.. for a reason your scared, scared that if people found out who you were that something might happen to you. Your not a man, cant even say your human, but i will say that everyone of you are all scum and will all have to pay for the things you said sooner or later, and if not by the hands of another human, by the hands of God.
    Vince H

  81. To the last comment with the case number if you havent realized that your in a sue happy american thats in a resession where so many people are out of work, almost anyone will try to sue someone for anything that they can. Fag

  82. Aonymous give us your name and let us do a background on you well see how good you and your family is.

  83. To all those who care about Branden:

    These idiots on this website are taking advantage of a situation that is in their favor. For someone to talk crap about someone who just passed away and there family is someone that was taught a lot of jealously and hate as a kid growing up. All these idiots that are talking crap about there entire family only knows the family through what they hear.

    To all the haters:

    You can hide behind the computer screen, but you cant hide behind God.

  84. Mike Dallo the father of Brandon made a speech about himself, it was so disrespectful and embarrassing. Its your son's funeral for crying out loud, theres no need to brag about yourself-how smart you are and successful etc, etc, we already know how much of a loser you are, and your in desperate need to tell everyone your not, trying to fix your rep that you ruined haha, what is wrong with you, its not all about you, its Brandon's day, respect him and say something meaningful about him, & Melanie, his sister was laughing non stop at the funeral, when she made her little speech she tried her hardest to cry. Not such a great actor. Its your little brother, how could you not care. I guess shes thrilled hes gone, bc like she said he was the star of the fam and most good looking and she was jealous bc of the attention he used to get, aww poor Mel lol. It was so inappropriate though to laugh like that from begining to the end of the funeral. While Mona, was crying like crazy in the end, there was no sight of her husband to calm her down and to help her walk, in fact he wasnt there for her at all, thats really sad, what a great husband that man is. In all, it was a great show, kinda fake, with Mona collapsing and all but I had a good time watching.

  85. at branden's viewing there was over 2000 ppl paying respect to him and his this proves they are loved!!!....this is also a fact bc i was there so i'm not ASSUMING like other bloggers who make up lies

  86. No one is perfect. The Dallo's may not be perfect, but i guarantee no one's family's are. Seeing Branden today was the saddest thing. If you have a heart, you couldn't talk the shit you are all talking. God is the only one who can judge, not all of you. So lets let God be the judge of the situation instead. And for all of you thinking you can judge, let karma be your bitch. Better yet, I will let God deal with all of you. Gossiping is a mortal sin, and the same as killing someone. So to all of you, remember that you did the same this week, by gossiping about others. Take the log out of your own eye first. Branden was a sweet guy who made a mistake. His family gave jobs to many people, and were able to support themselves too. There is always a positive.See you in heaven B. RIP Branden we will miss you! </3

  87. To one of the comments before, Mike Dallo was saying his success was only because he was riding on the wings on an angel, meaning Branden. STOP trying to spread rumors about what he said. Their speeches were beautiful and you obviously don't know Melanie. She loved her brother more than anything and she's trying to be strong for her mother.

    YOU ARE DISGUSTING for even going to the viewing and then reporting back negative comments. How do you have the nerve to go there and say such horrible things. You should be ashamed of yourself and although I have other words I would like to say to you BRANDEN would tell me to let it go. That is what kind of person he was! He was kind and loving and as you saw at the viewing all these people came and paid their respects to him and the family.

  88. They all came to watch, not to pay thier respects. Haha. I agree, to that comment above, Melanie has no heart and soul. She's an evil person, she's cracking jokes with her husband in his funeral last night and I did see her too she was laughing non stop. She dosent care about anyone, she didnt even comfort her mother, she was just laughing. Everyone saw it, even the lady next to me told me what was wrong with her, laughing like that. She has no class just like her father. And also its sad that they had to read their pathetic little speech off a paper. Speeches like that should come from your heart, not written on a piece of paper. Obviously the whole fam are too dumb to speak from their hearts. Mike during his speech was yelling to people- im smart! this and that!Geez calm down, and melanie also was yelling during her speech, no class whatsoever.

  89. To that comment, mike was talkng about his sucess bc he was riding on the wings on an angel... I understand that, I was talking about how its sad that he has to brag and brag about himself, thats just not needed talking about his success. These people are bunch of show-offs.

  90. You guys are all fucking jokes and very disrespectful. The family is going through a lot right now and its really hard for them. Branden dying was a shock to the whole family Melanie is trying to be strong in front of her mom and the dad Mike was talking about himself how he's a strong man and can do what he wants but with Branden dying he couldn't do anything..that's what he was comparing it to. And Mona wasn't faking or putting on a show the poor lady has bruises all over her legs from going crazy he was her babyy and she loved him alot. You guys really need to stop with these bullshit comments..let the family mourn for goodness sake. You guys are a bunch of haters on the family thats why you keeep talking shit!

    RIP Branden love you alotttttttttt <3

  91. You guys want to know how stupid Melanie is..She didnt even write her own speech! I heard her husband wrote it for her hahahahaahaha, what a retard! She came to her husband after she read it, and told him how did she do, is that even appropiate to say something like that in her brothers funeral? She wants to know how she did thats all she cared about wtf is wrong with her? Well you did horrible Melanie! No one shouts like that, you have a microphone in your hand so theres no need to shout, and it looked like a 5 yr old girl was reading the speech, no wonder you were in special ed! Uneducated, worthless loser! You have your husband to depend on for everything dont you? He probably has to pay your bills, bc you dont even know how, he gives you cash like a little kid, he writes your speech bc your retarted. What kind of retartded wife is that, who would want to live with someone like that for their rest of thier lives. Its like taking care of a child! Haha. And Melanie wasnt the only person in special ed but branden was as well. The only smart and normal one is Micheal, thier older brother.

  92. I worked for Mike and I saw a lot of f'ed up things happening behind closed doors. Thats all I gotta say, no need to put it all out there. Im really sorry for Branden though, he was a great kid, always joking around at work, making everyone laugh, he was a sweet boy but unfortunately came from a horrible family.

  93. First of all I’m sick to my stomach! I don’t even know where to begin? What has become of our society? Where is the humanity? U ALL must be Chaldean because you know such detail, your such typical bitches, haters, u talk shit even in the event of a death! A white person has more heart than all of you! When will everyone just shut up! Start to focus on your life yourself and pray for your blessing and everyone around you! I didn’t personally know the late Branden but did know his sister, we went to high school together and she was and still is as sweet as pie. I know many people who personally knew Branden and had nothing but amazing and kinds words to say about him and this is before his death. Every family has problems. Every family is dysfunctional. No one is normal!! What is normal? U anonymous dumb fucks are far from normal! Heartless bastards! Every1 including all those who have commented before me have a past and dirty laundry so STFU! U calls a death KARMA? REAALLYY?!! No one deserves to die, no sister, friend or brother deserves to feel that kind of pain and loss. NO parent good or bad deserves to bury their child. No one!!! Doesn’t matter if they are “rich or poor, mean or nice, bad employers, cheaters, uneducated” Whatever! No one deserves the feeling of losing and burying a loved one. U are all pussy’s and can’t come forward! U are the fake, and heartless who probably attended the ALL services, left sweet remarks on FB pages and now your writing on this blog. I pray for all of you. WAIT!! Prayers can’t even help or save you.

    Ann H.

    R.I.P Branden

  94. this blog needs to be deleted. everybody report it. the button is at the very top in the gray margin


  95. Fuck all of you haters. Don't judge anyone because you don't know half the story. Have some fucking respect for what this family is going through. They're good people and don't deserve all of this bullshit. I'm SURE your lives are so fucking perfect. Stop talking shit about all of them. You REALLY have your shit wrong. I know the real story, get your facts straight first bitches. Love you B, RIP <3


  97. First of all I’m sick to my stomach! I don’t even know where to begin? What has become of our society? Where is the humanity? U ALL must be Chaldean because you know such detail, your such typical bitches, haters, u talk shit even in the event of a death! A white person has more heart than all of you! When will everyone just shut up! Start to focus on your life yourself and pray for your blessing and everyone around you! I didn’t personally know the late Branden but did know his sister, we went to high school together and she was and still is as sweet as pie. I know many people who personally knew Branden and had nothing but amazing and kinds words to say about him and this is before his death. Every family has problems. Every family is dysfunctional. No one is normal!! What is normal? U anonymous dumb fucks are far from normal! Heartless bastards! Every1 including all those who have commented before me have a past and dirty laundry so STFU! U calls a death KARMA? REAALLYY?!! No one deserves to die, no sister, friend or brother deserves to feel that kind of pain and loss. NO parent good or bad deserves to bury their child. No one!!! Doesn’t matter if they are “rich or poor, mean or nice, bad employers, cheaters, uneducated” Whatever! No one deserves the feeling of losing and burying a loved one. U are all pussy’s and can’t come forward! U are the fake, and heartless who probably attended the ALL services, left sweet remarks on FB pages and now your writing on this blog. I pray for all of you. WAIT!! Prayers can’t even help or save you.
    R.I.P Branden

  98. I'm praying for the person that wrote this. we dont have to say anything. God will do all the work. RIP B

  99. I'm going to say that everyone makes mistakes! some make them earlier, as far as I know Branden was a hard working Og. RIP

  100. Now why are you judging your brother? Or why are you also scorning your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.
    God is the Judge

    “He puts down one, and sets up another.” “For the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king; He will save us.”
    There is one Lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy; who art you to judge another?”

    The power to save determines the right to judge.

  101. It doesn't matter what kind of people his family are. Crack heads, alcoholics, the most amazing people you'll ever meet, or soon-to-be saints. Branden did not deserve to die. No one deserves to die. RIP. We're all praying for you <3

  102. Its very unfair to judge someone or even worse to say they deserved what happened to them because of the mistakes of their family. Every persons family has someone who has made some bad mistakes including everyone reading this blog. Do you think you should be judged for those mistakes? I am sure your answer is no. Show some respect to an amazing person who did nothing but try to put a smile on every persons face he came in contact with. Branden never wished a bad thing on anyone and the only thing I could ever be jealous of is the fact the he lived such an amazing life in such a short time and had more people who loved him then any of us could ever imagine.

    R.I.P Branden

  103. Brandon R.I.P you always had a smile on your face and you were very loved and you will be missed, and all you people on here are sick in the head please stop judging. My condolences to the dallo family.

  104. Who ever is talking about the Dallo family especially during this time, have no hearts, its so sad. Baby D, you were the most humble, big-hearted, loving and caring person I knew. You always had a way of putting a great big smile on anyone's face you came in contact with. Thank you for being an amazing friend and person. I think about you everyday. God bless you and your family. Love Ariane.

  105. R.I.P. loving B...prayers to the Dallo family. Stop all the hate everyone!!!!! Cant believe this blog allows such hate!!!!!!!

  106. R.I.P. BigD

    Soar through the air
    let your spirit fly free,
    and with the catch of an angel
    this is where you want to be.

    You are lifted up with grace
    and taken high above,
    you are showered with peace and protection
    but most of all showered with love.

    For now you have no anger
    no tears, fear or pain,
    these feelings you held are released
    and now happiness is all you will gain.

    So take their hands of freedom
    your new life is not to fear,
    and remember we'll never forget you
    as your love will always be near.

  107. You’ll be missed Branden by many. It’s terrible when a person’s life becomes shorten by the quickest moments with so much to live for, but you are in a better place now. You have brought happiness and joy to many people, for that is a true blessing.

    R.I.P Branden Dallo

  108. To you, Branden, may you rest in peace and to you all haters, may you burn in hell! My very condolences to the Dallo family, will always missed our happy moments and sweet times together. We will never forget you. R.I.P Branden

  109. Branden, I know you are up in heaven looking down at us right now. I know you are with God’s angels and no one can hurt you where you are. You will be missed on this earth. I hope one day that I will get to meet you in heaven. When I do I plan on giving you a great big hug. God bless you sweet Branden.

  110. Never drink and drive, the life you save may be your own. It's the thought that matters. It should be obvious that you should never drink and drive. I don’t think that anyone “plans” to do so; they think it just “happens.” Think about it, the bars are open late serving drinks the entire time, not considering how everyone got there or how they will get home. It is up to you as an adult to make the right decisions. Think about the lives you're saving, and the first could be your own! R.I.P Branden

  111. Last night I looked up in the sky and said a little prayer for soon as I said the words, Branden, I know you are resting in Heaven, a shooting star whisked across the night sky. Rest in Gods love, he will care for you in heaven as one of his angels!

  112. Rest in peace, Branden, I'm a longstanding customer at Harvest Ranch, my condolences to the Dallo Family. I have been invited to look at Christmas lights with my grandchildren tonight. At first, I thought about staying home, but now I want to hold them all close to me and love them enjoy them every minute that I can. God bless Branden. I pray for your family as well, who are hurting so badly.

  113. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  114. hahaaaa go to hell..

  115. Hello All,

    I happened to be reminiscing about Branden Dallo and stumbled across this blog. Some of these posts are shocking and I wonder what kind of person can write such things. To celebrate anyone's death is beyond me, aside from our world's monsters (Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin...). To me, he was a great man. A man of respect and integrity. I will miss him greatly. Please do your humanly best to either pay your respects, or keep the heartless comments to yourself, especially about a man who can't defend himself. Find the love in your heart to take stock of what's important in your life and hold on to it as much as God will allow you to. I love you Branden, put in a good word to God for me...

  116. It is always so sad to hear that a child died. Please don't take it personally or carry the burden of his death on your shoulders. God decides when to call each of us home and now he has his angel up there with him. All you can do now is spread the word and pray for his family. R.I.P Branden Dallo

  117. R.I.P Sweet Angel. You Will be forever loved & missed. You had a whole future ahead of you and thats not fair for that to happen to anyone. BabyD I just want you to know that I love you so much and I hope you have fun in you everlasting new home. I hope to be there with you someday my angel. Save me a seat next to you. <3

  118. Because you guys are all geniuses. Good plan.

  119. Branden, You will always have a very special place in our hearts and you will NEVER be forgotten! Rest in peace D.

  120. I agree to the other post how its pretty unusual that Branden didn't learn from his older brother Johnny's mistakes. No one deserves to die, but if he would've learned and been responsible behind the wheel nothing would've happened, its just very sad. R.I.P Branden.

  121. I can't even imagine how his family is feeling but, I send nothing but good thoughts their way. We will remember you always. Rest in Peace Branden.

  122. To all readers and writers,

    There is a story that comes to mind when reading these comments, and it is as follows:

    A poor man and his son are traveling across the country on their very young donkey. They roll into a new town with the father riding the donkey and the son on foot leading the donkey. As they are amongst the town people, the father hears whispering, "what a rude father, making his son walk while he rides the donkey into town". The father takes note of this and as they travel to the next town, he allows his son to ride while he leads the donkey. Upon arrival, he again hears people commenting, "what a rude son, making his father walk while he rides the donkey". Again, the father takes note of this and into the next town, they ride together on the young donkey. While they are in the market, again the father hears gossiping, "What rude people, riding together on such a young donkey, the poor animal can barely carry them". The humble father still accepts the criticism, and into the next town they decide to give the donkey a break from such a long journey, so neither ride the donkey. When the arrived, the town people laughed at them, "what idiots! they have a donkey yet both are walking!".

    The moral of the story is no matter what your actions are, people who hate always find criticism in what you do...

  123. whine and cry if they dont get their way ya thats a laugh do you know how evil those kids were whos going to stand in their face and be like your not buying this and that they would kill who ever said no to them. They do what they want, when they want, and buy what they want and they dont have to ask or beg for things like you little kids on here.

  124. One word: UNREAL. To all the people who have these unbelievable, hateful, appalling comments on here regarding Branden's death and personal life you evidently had no IDEA who him or his family are. I have never witnessed a family who shows more compassion for one another like I have seen in the Dallo's. They are probably the closest family one could know. NEVERMIND to that, that is beside the point but humorous how it just confirms none of you know anything. As a matter of fact, I was very close to Branden and considered him a best friend. Him dying at a young age comes to show he was way too good for this world. Branden was sent here as a beautiful angel and if you knew him you would concur. I have never in my life met a young man with the spirit and heart as Branden. I am so thankful I had the opportunity to share the best memories with him, and he will forever live through that. Not a day goes by I haven't shed tears for him because missing one person like him leaves the world so vacant and spacious.

    To the Dallo's who may or may not be reading this blog nevermind these people, they never had the unforgettable and thankful gift that we had of knowing Branden. God Bless B.
