Friday, November 3, 2006

Poll the Terrorists

WorldNetDaily wondered whether Islamic terrorists are following the U.S. elections, and if so, who were they rooting for. Aaron Klein is their man on the ground in the Middle East, and he decided to take the simple route of just going out and asking some terrorists directly. Amongst other things, he heard this:

Muhammad Saadi, a senior leader of Islamic Jihad in the northern West Bank town of Jenin, said the Democrats' talk of withdrawal from Iraq makes him feel “proud."

"As Arabs and Muslims we feel proud of this talk,” he told WND. “Very proud from the great successes of the Iraqi resistance. This success that brought the big superpower of the world to discuss a possible withdrawal."

Read the whole thing.

The summary version: yes, the Islamic terrorists are following our election — avidly. And they’re rooting for the Democrats (no surprise there!), because they believe that will ensure their victory.

And they may just be right.

1 comment:

  1. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Al-Queda is probably hoping Bush wins. He’s their greatest recruiter, and he’s too incompetent to defeat them.
