Friday, September 15, 2006

Scary Referrals

My blog, like all blogs I know, keeps track of “referrals” — the web pages with links to my blog that someone clicked on to visit my blog. The vast majority of these referrals to my blog come from search engines, and sometimes they’re quite funny or surprising.

But check out this referral I got about two hours ago:

Google referral: “structural evaluation” collies “naked women” gerbils “oil price"


What kind of a mind would ask this question? And what is the question, anyway?

Sometimes I think it might be better not to know something. This just might be one of those times…

1 comment:

  1. In the old blog, Sissy Willis said:
    Speaking of reading the entrails of one’s “referrals,” I was delighted to find my own blog listed in your very discriminating blogroll — I especially enjoyed the “Moonbats” grouping — but was surprised that you thought me a conservative. In my mind’s eye I am what I term a Darwinian libertarian.As for “structural evaluation” collies “naked women” gerbils “oil price,” have you considered the Cyrano approach?
