Friday, August 11, 2006

Scales Falling?

I note in my morning tour through the lamestream media that there is a sudden burst of editorializing and commentary from the European press (especially the British) that sounds — (gasp) — rational!

One hardly knows what to say after the past three or four years of non-stop, unmitigated America- and Bush-bashing…

Just this morning, I read:

— A British commentator supporting the notion of paying extra attention to young male Arabs (that would be “racial profiling"!) in airport security. He talked about how Europeans have been in a state of denial about the threat of radical Islamic fundamentalism — and how the U.S. is the only place that isn’t! Obviously he isn’t tuned into our moonbats, but that’s ok…

— A French editorial talking about America’s “good example” when it comes to integrating immigrants into society.

— A British commentator praising American patriotism and our willingness to fight for our freedoms, even when those wars are overseas. He spoke disparagingly of the European tendency to see Americans as “primitive” and “unsophisticated", saying that in reality it was they (the Europeans) who were being unsophisticated as they pretended that terrorism wasn’t predominantly carried out by Islamic fascists.

What’s that I hear? I think it’s the sound of pigs flying. Yes, yes — a whole flock of them just flew over my house!

1 comment:

  1. In the old blog, chrys said:
    Grab those “flying pigs” while they’re hot. “Wake Up” call is finally being heard. The cave walls are awfully thick though. We’ll see if the momentum plants common sense into the “cave moss” walls.
