Sunday, July 2, 2006

Jonny Rebel

A few days ago I blogged about Jodi Burnett’s death at the hands of the reckless, thoughtless, and irresponsible Jonathan Dallo. A couple of things have happened since then that I thought you should know about.

First, this morning I read an anonymous comment on my earlier blog:

I totally agree with you! I too am sick of seeing people drive the way Jonathan Dallo did that morning. I did a little research on Jonathan…he was profiled on an episode of Dateline in which it was mentioned that he has a history of speeding tickets (do a Google search on Jonny Dallo to read for yourself). If this is true, why the heck did he still have a license? And why the heck did his parents allow him to drive their car at all if he has a history of being reckless? Perhaps if the legal system and his parents would’ve been more strict on Jonathan, Jodi would be alive today.

I can’t prove it with absolute certainty, but my commenter appears to be correct. I tried that link, and got several articles about “Jonny Dallo", who is the right age to be the same person as Jonathan Dallo. If Jonny Dallo is the same person as the Jonathan Dallo who killed Jodi Burnett, then the story is actually worse than I had thought, just as my commenter said. One of the articles refers to the “…pile of speeding tickets…” that Jonny Dallo had accumulated at age 17!. Other articles refer to his troubled and rebellious nature — being expelled from a special school, general tendencies to disobey rules and constraints, etc. Jonathan/Jonny was a ticking time bomb…

Second, I took a drive past the scene of the crime yesterday. Something jumped right out at me that was missing from all the articles I read: Jonathan Dallo wasn’t just passing at 100 MPH. He was passing on a blind curve! His driving behavior was even more irresponsible and idiotic than I thought.

Jodi’s death was already terribly tragic. If this is all true about Jonathan Dallo, then her death was even more unnecessary — as a society, we failed her. We failed to disarm the ticking time bomb named Jonathan Dallo, and she lost her life because of our failure.

Don’t you think we should demand laws that would stop the Jonathan Dallos of the world when they’ve demonstrated their inability to drive safely? And then actually enforce those laws? I think this would work just like Rudy Guilliani’s cleanup of New York — don’t let drivers get away with the misdemeanor-level offenses. Crack down on them, and the other crime will stop as well. I’m writing my state and county officials today — won’t you do the same? Let them know how you feel!


  1. In the old blog, Kelly Robins said:
    Jodi is my baby sister. She is the third child of four siblings. She is a loving mother. She will forever be missed. Our family whole heartedly supports tougher laws pertaining to this kind of driving. I can deal with the time of day that this occured. The one thing that I cannot understand is the speed. My sister is an innocent victim in this. Just because someone made the concious decision to travel that fast on a public street, an innocent victim paid the ultimate price. I will forver hold this person in complete comtempt for what he has taken from our family. If there is any justice, he will be held totaly accountable for this. I know I will never forgive him. I don’t care that this will “ruin his life” What about hers? And Her kids? If anyone is thinking of a tribute to my sister, please drive safely and wear your seatbelt.Kelly Robins

  2. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    it is certain tht jonny dallo killed sum1 but it is alsocertain tht she wasnt wearing a seat belt either so she wasnt being safe

  3. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Thankyou Kelly/ Your family deservesjustice. We all deserve to be protectedfrom this kind of insanity.

  4. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Idiot she wasnt required to she was exempt as a news paper delivery person law enforcement has the same do mail carriers

  5. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    how does this family overcome the loss of their loved one. How does the father manage to pay for his kids education being a single parent now? maybe the Dallo family can step up to the plate and see that they are all taken care of with college funds.

  6. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    sou guys would feel better about ruining 2 peoples livesi do feel sorry for jodi and her familybut what about johnny’s familydo u think it will make things right to make 2 famililes suffer?u guys make it seem like he did it on purposei dont think he intended to hurt anyone

  7. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    frst of all jonny was a bad kid. He comes from a rich family that just gives everything to; their kids except dicipline. All th e Dallo family members are spoiled. They claim to be so catholic but they are all self centered. Is Jonny Dallo grieveing for the mother of 4 that he killed? Is Jonny Dallo’s mother grieveing forthe children left behind? probably not. They are all just worried about their Jonny. I hope that you Jonny Dallo will see prison time. You think that you are above the law. But you will be judged one day.

  8. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Yes it is true that there was an accident. A terrible misfortune that took away a mother and a wife. But that is exactly what i said, an accident. The definition of vehicular manslaughter, the crime jonny is being charged with, is no intent of causing harm. All I have read in this blog is Jonny being this horrible person who had committed crimes all his life and deserves to be put away, but Jonny is a great friend to me and he is not that person at all. He is the best person I have ever known. No one and I really mean no one could say anything bad about him because he has no enemies. He is loved by everyone and is always the brightest person to be around. (Or used to be anyways) I have never seen my friend this way and it hurts me to see him like this. This is not only hard on Jodi’s family but on Jonny’s as well. And I know that Jonny will never forgive himself for taking her away from her family, but I think a part of him went with her. It also hurts me to read everyone calling him these names, and no one seems to mention the good things like him never missing sunday mass, or doing community service at our churches retirement center, or being a great friend to all. I hope everyone can see this as it was, an accident that he will regret for the rest of his life.

  9. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    To the person who wrote about jonny coming from a rich family that just gives everything to their kids except dicipline, Do you know the Dallo’s? Have you met Jonny or his family members, or do you just see the “bmw” in the title of the article and assume that there family is spoiled. What does having a nice car have to do with the accident? You have no idea that he is the least self centered person and does not claim to be catholic, he is catholic.

  10. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Driving recklessly time and time again is NOT an accident! It is a choice! In this case, it is a choice that led to the death of an innocent woman who was just trying to do her job.

  11. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    To the person who called Jonny spoiled, you are wrong! His family is far from that. Lots of kids in our neighborhood drive BMW it doesnt make us spoile. It just means our parents worked hard to give their kids nice things. So unless you truly know the Dallos do not comment on how spoile they are because then you might as well call most of the kids at Valhalla spoile and we are not.

  12. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    failed english eh? Valhalla does us proud!!

  13. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    I know first hand Jonny is spoiled- spelled s-p-o-i-l-e-d.

  14. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    I wonder what johns neighbors could tell us do they like how he drives in their neighborhood??

  15. In the old blog, Iran123 said:
    Just wondering what the punishment for the same CRIME would be in Iraq or Iran. especially under Sadams rule. Remember where you came have it better than you think.

  16. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    How exactly do you know jonnys spoiled? Why are people so fixated on money? I swear all these damn people on this blog are just jealous people who cant stand to see people successfull in this world. Who cares if he is??? That doesn’t have any relevence in this situation so drop it.

  17. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Jonny didn’t come from Iraq or Iran. He came from the United States and is intitled to all of his rights.

  18. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    then he should act like it

  19. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Let’s talk about how you need to back off Jonny. You should respect the Chaldean community. They have more class than you do. They don’t rush their kids out of the house right when they turn 18! I suggest you don’t have them if you sit there and can’t wait for them to leave. Also, when somebody in our family dies. We mourn. Unlike you, you wear bright colors and think it’s ok to be smiling and chit chatting. Chaldeans are more close knit than any other race ever will be. We have class. We love our families, we respect ourselves. We are not raised to have kids before marriage or live with our boyfriends. Should I say it again? We have CLASS. Maybe you should go to church where they teach you that mistakes happen. Nobody intended on having this lady die? It was an accident! They happen and they are very unfortunate. UNFORTUNATE!!! And please don’t be a hater. He is not spoiled. He comes from a family who worked hard. FAMILY. Do you know what that is? Or do you all do your own thing???

  20. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    It was no accident, it was a choice to put the lives of others at risk and unfortunately someone paid the ultimate price for his stupid choice. Americans also have class, Chaldeans do not have a monopoly on that. One thing our country gives us is Freedom to make the choices we make and you have no right to judge us for making choices that do not hurt anyone or TAKE THE LIVES OF OTHERS! I would rather live a peaceful life “with my boyfriend” than to live it in jail for killing someone.

  21. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    P.S. We Americans mourn the loss of a family member. But, we also celebrate the life they had. I would not want my family living a sad life after I am gone, I want them to remeber the life we shared and get on with life happily. That is what we do and what we would want our family to do. Why be so sad? So, chit chatting and smiling is what we do and there is nothing wrong with it. What we should mourn is if the day comes that Jonny gets off.

  22. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Regarding the above post on 07/11 @ 6:51PM…I agree that Jonny is entitled to all of his rights, but with those rights comes the responsibility to obey the law. Jodi was also entitled to all of her rights, but her rights were taken away the morning Jonny decided (the key word here being DECIDED) to disregard the speed limit law and drive like a maniac as he’s apparently done several times before. Regarding the above post on 07/11 @ 7:31PM…why are you making this a race issue? What’s classy and respectful about blatently disregarding the law? I’m sure your church doesn’t teach you to do that. How can you say this was an accident? It’s no accident when someone drives at a speed of 100MPH! I don’t doubt that Jonny’s family has worked hard. I just with they’d encourage him to be a man and accept responsibility for his actions.

  23. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Respect the chaldean community??? after actions like this right. most people who have class dont have to say they have it.Cleary this is not taught in third world countries like Iraq. After all who is saving who in the whole war on terrorism over there not the chaldean community. they got the hell out of there while the getting was good. how will the chaldeans in Iraq repay us the same way Jonny did. Yea thats classy.

  24. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    If this were my boy he would have already offered a public apology or I would have. Its been over two weeks. In that time the courts have accepted a plea of innocence. And we will waste some tax payers dollars and time to see just the opposite. Just to hear the phrase “Not Guilty” is sickening.

  25. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Khrw offers literacy classes right here in El Cajonall chaldeans are welcome even spoile ones.

  26. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    How do you know Jonny is S-P-O-L-I-E-D? Do you really know or because you saw him driving a BMW? What is this Chaldeans verse Americans. I am American but grew up with lots of Chaldeans in Rancho San Diego. You think he is spoiled because his family is well off! If this was a poor kid you wouldnt even mention what kind of life he was living. Why dont you focous on the important facts. Like Jodi died and Jonny who is only 19 may go to prison. 2 families are ruined and all you can talk about in how Jonny is spoiled. I know Jonny and he is a great guy, he is sweet and caring and I know he is sorry. To the person who said “If this were my boy he would have already offered a public apology or I would have.” Jonny is in a really bad place right now he is sorry ok ask any of his friends! We know he is sorry, and besides why should he apologize to everyone. the only people he should apologize to is Jodi’s family and friends. He owes the rest of us nothing. To Comment from Anonymous on July 11, 2006 7:31:42 PM PDT Dont lie do not act like the Chaldeans are perfect I went to school with most of the kids in Rancho who happen to be Chaldean. There not all great people you know and I know that. I will leave it at that because I am not going to put them down but do not judge Americans because you are in America, remember why your family came here. All I am saying is respect Jodi and Jonny if you do not know him do not talk about him. one more thing to the idiot who wrote “failed english eh? Valhalla does us proud!!” Your stupid just because I hate the computer and sometimes its hard for me to spell on it, I didnt fail english infact I got straight A. I now go to UCLA and I am going to be a Lawyer not to mention I will be at the top of my class. What about you?

  27. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Hey Jonny- We got a lawyer for you and he’s at the top of his class :)

  28. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Like I said, it’s spelled S-P-O-I-L-E-D, not spolied- Better study a little harded in Language perfect Lawyer LOL

  29. In the old blog, Napolean said:
    If your study includes law you should sharpen your skills in the english language. And remember most attorneys in San Diego make less than 40k per year The field is overcrowed and has no need for anotherstore bought Chaldean law graduate. UCLA will probably kick you to the curb for a promising Asianstudent DA.. STUPID IDIOT

  30. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Anonymous July 12 5:51GRAMMAR LESSON:1. Focus is not spelled focous2. in fact is two words not one3. Did the A in Language mean Apply to take this class Again??

  31. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    excuse me it’s harder, not hardedThe perfect student had me flustered. I correct my error

  32. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    excuse me it’s harder, not hardedThe perfect student had me flustered. I correct my error

  33. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Wow, you guys are being way too hard on jonny, anything someone says good about him, you have at least one comment putting it down, just because jonny killed someone-(which it was an accident, so stop saying it was a “choice"), doesnt mean hes the worst person and a lot of these people are right, if u dont know jonny dont u dare talk about him dont act like hes the only person in the world that has done this before, hes been through a lot give him a break u know hes sorry, what else do u want him to do hes doing his time so calm down, u guys like want him to die, over one person dying, and yes jonny goes to church every sunday, and just so you know, right after the accident he went to church and prayed for his family, AND YOURS, so stop closing the door.

  34. In the old blog, true american boycott of foodland said:
    Again I think most of these Chaldean writers should take thel Literacy class offered by former Imigrants Imported directly from Iraq. You can naturally find these teachers in El Cajon on washington next to a liqour store or cheap food mart like harvest ranch, foodland or Jonathan Dallos of La Jolla, I will make sure I shop at all of these stores. . You can expect when you shop at an independant grocer. you are probably feeding the Dallo family go to Vons , Ralphs Or Costco even Albertsons,

  35. In the old blog, Kelly Robins said:
    Could we please not turn this into a racial, age or immagrant issue. The fact is that my sister was killed. I am insulted that this fact has somehow been lost in the ANONYMOUS personal attacks made by so many. If you knew my sister then you would know that she is one of the least racial people you could ever meet. She never looked down at a person because of their station in life, she has, from childhood had friends of many races and ages. Could we please stop insulting her memory by these personal anonymous comments. Reguardless of the fact that this has happened, there exists in this world today much to much cruelty and hatred. Families have been forever changed by this. We need to let the courts handle this. I know Jodi would not want this kind of hurtful behavior. This is not how she has taught her children to treat people! Jodi was maid of honor at my wedding, I was with her when her two oldest boys were born, please let us keep memories of our loved one like this. I am sure EVERYONE has memories like this of family and friends. Please do not tarnish these. I will very soon be a grandmother for the first time, I hope to share my new grandbaby how loving my sister was. But, I know that there will also be hurtful thing that must be explained to the young. Grammar, spelling and just plain english have very little to do with getting your point across. I get that there are two sides to this situation. I fully understand that his friends wish to defend him, but this is really getting out of hand!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My parents are still reeling by this. These comments to get back to them. Frankly, they are an insult to Jodi’s memory.Please forgive any spelling, english or grammar mistakes I may have made in this message, I only have a high school education and 45 years of life to draw from. Please drive safe and wear you seatbelt.Kelly Robins

  36. Well said, Kelly. Things have gotten a bit childish here, haven’t they?

    May your memories of Jodi be always bright and shining, and may your and yours find peace and joy in those memories…

  37. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Kelly- Thoughts and prayers are for you and your family. These messages are not meant to hurt you, it is the frustration that Jodi is no longer here and some people seem to think it is no big deal that the loss of her is so tragic. The arrogance of the family member who said Jonny would get off is what has really upset the people. I will respect your wishes and hopefully everyone else will. Let us hope that the courts will deal with him so that he can never take another life away.

  38. In the old blog, C.A.R said:
    I agree with what Kelly said, no matter how many harsh words we say, how many tears we cry, or how many prayers we pray, Jodi is now with God and that’s where she will stay. It was her time to go whether or not Johnny was speeding that morning. Anyone with faith could understand that God wanted her by his side and there is nothing any of us could have done to prevent that. It is very sad how this tragic situation has turned into a racial dispute. As an educated Chaldean in this community, I think all of you racist people should find a new hobby and leave these poor families alone. In no way is what Johnny did acceptable, but neither is it for us to sit here and judge and discriminate against Chaldeans for a regrettable choice that one person made. No one is saying Chaldeans are better than any other race, yet no one is better then anyone else. We are all living under one government, paying the same taxes, going to the same schools, and eating the same damn food. Regardless of how you came here, whether or not you were born here gives you no authority over others. My parents as well as thousands of Chaldeans in this community are much better educated then many of you or your ancestors have ever been. I suggest until you become something such as a lawyer or a judge to shut your mouth and leave it up to the courts to decide the fate of this incident. For the person who created this blog you should consider taking this crap down, because you have obviously not realized the problems that have started. Thank You. P.S. For the few people that suggested we Chaldeans go to the literary school on Washington…One thing is for certain, we wont have to worry about school shootings… why? Well because we simply don’t do that kind of evil, it’s left up to the white trash. Have a GREAT DAY!

  39. "For the person who created this blog you should consider taking this crap down, because you have obviously not realized the problems that have started."

    You’re correct: I am not aware of any “problems” the posts or comments on this blog (crap or not) have started. You commented anonymously and without leaving your email address, so I cannot contact you privately. But you can email me privately (see “Email Tom” link in the sidebar at right), and I wish you would. I would like to hear about any problems that have started because of posts or comments on this blog, and if I agree with your assessment, I’ll do something about it.


    You should know that I am a great believer in free speech. I would think that would be clear, seeing some of the comments that I’ve allowed even though they clearly are at odds with my own positions. I think the descent into racial slurs (you own included, sir or madam) is childish and pointless — but this is America, land of free speech, so I’ve allowed them. In fact, I have not disapproved a single comment on these threads, whatever the position they took, however juvenile the content, and without regard to the inferences a reasonable person might make about the author…

  40. In the old blog, Jamul said:
    Tom you are RIGHT fair and a very smart man The only problems this is creating is for the people thatcant understand how irate this community is about another senseless death on our local roadway. If youbelieve in free speech please leave the blog and comments as they are and allow the community to continue to voice its opinion in the long run I think more light will be shed on this incident and might benifit the Burnett family.

  41. In the old blog, jamul said:
    C.A.REducated??? where?Making references Like {Crap}{white trash} Your just showing your true colors.You want this to all go away and it wont. Im sure you will be down at the El Cajon courthouse chanting for Jonny We will see you there.

  42. In the old blog, Just old White TRASH.... said:
    I would like to address this to C.A.R. First in the country that your parents selected to make their country was founded by WHITE TRASH and they set the most fair place in the world to live. It was centered around law and fairness. Our White Trash fore fathers could not spell nor could the speak but they were strong fighters for freedom and fairness. Had Johnny been speeding to Iraq to protect relatives from the reign of one of your Arab brothers we would not be even discussing this but he nor many of your well educated community members have joined the Army… I know they are all busy selling groceries to white trash, In fact I have been told that more immigrants arrive from Iraq than the number of your community that have joined the Army to fight for your own relatives. As a child of privledge he was racing in a 90k dollar car after being out all night. A freedom that you and your community have found in this county and does not exist in Iraq.. This home of the white trash is not the home of the road side bomb.. This white trash the same white trash that is protecting and doing the best they can to present the same liberty and freedom to your parents homeland.How foolish any Marine, Army or Navy personal must feel now knowing how you feel about the efforts of the white trash. Maybe your better suited to become happy in the land of the road side bomb and I invite you to return if your unhappy with the United States and the mulit racial community including WHITE TRASH.You have done more to set yourself and the close Knit Community you belong to an act of rage by some white trash than any educated person you claim to be, could have done if you calculated it. For that reason I am not sure your even a member of the Arab community most of the experience I have had with arabs leads me to believe that they are smart after all they came to our country. You do your own community more harm than good.If I were a Judge and I am not but if I were my sentence for Johnny would be 6 years in the armed forces in Iraq. He would learn the foundation of freedom and what it is like to belong to a community that inculdes White Trash that is willing to go half way around the world to protect the freedoms and rights of all people including the freedom of speech that you want to silence by having this blog removed.Johnny let me give you a little history lesson. It is not so popular now but when I was a kid you could select either Jail or the Army. Pray the Judge feels the same way. Go protect the freedoms of your countrymen.. you will learn all about white trash and how stupid it was for anyone in your community to address anyone in that way. I will say 6 years in the Army is lots easier than even 4 minutes in the shower at the California Youth Authority.

  43. In the old blog, jamul said:
    makes sense think about what this guy is saying

  44. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    It’s obvious that anyone talking poorly about Jonathan being spoiled it just jealous that his family can afford nice things and allow him to drive a nice car, that is his MOM’S by the way! He made a MISTAKE, a mistake that he will live with for the rest of his life. How many people can actually say they’ve never driven a car over the speed limit?? If you say you NEVER have, you are just never got caught or never have been involved in a car accident because of it.And to they ignorant person who brought up Iraq and the war, and to call Iraq a third world country....Iraq is a third world country now that the US invaded, it was a beautiful country before that, and since you’ve obviously never been there before I would suggest you keep your STUPID comments to yourself! You stupid white trash are the ones who decided to go over there and fight and lose your lives, so don’t even bring up that subject. Chaldeans have so much money, that you white trash DO NOT have, and can afford to drive nice cars like BMW’s, and can supply your alcoholic parents and relatives with beer and alcohol from our Liquor Stores that we own and you work for.... Yeah, we OWN them, you WORK at them!!

  45. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    To all of us “White Trash"-Let’s spread the word to Boycott the stores of these ungrateful people and then let us all call on our Govt. to pull out of their country and let them fend for themselves after we ship them all back to Iraq

  46. To my readers:

    I do not endorse the preceding commenter’s call for a boycott, or his other notions. In fact, I find them quite disturbing for anyone who calls himself an American.

    But as I’ve commented before, I believe in free speech, and I’m allowing any comments that don’t physically threaten anyone and which aren’t excessively profane by my own private definition (and it’s my blog, so I get to do that!).

  47. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Ungrateful?? Which Iraqi asked the US to come in and invade their country? Maybe you forgot, but President Bush made that decision all by himself, because of the WMD’s, the WMD’s that didn’t exist…so please save your stupid comments for someone who cares about your opinions. And you want to try and boycott liquor stores???? Yeah right…go ahead and try, if you haven’t noticed, every single liquor store in San Diego is owned by Chaldeans, every single one, BECAUSE WE HAVE MONEY :)

  48. Ahem.

    Folks, could we please dial down the venom in these comments? And could we please stay on topic? This thread is about Jonny Dallo and Jodi Burnett. It is not about genetic predisposition to liquor store ownership, the distribution of wealth and income in America, or WMDs in Iraq.

    To the commenter above: you’re not doing your credibility any favors by call other’s comments “stupid” and then immediately saying something yourself that’s demonstrably false. Not all liquor stores in San Diego are owned by Chaldeans — Beverages & More, for example, is not…

  49. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    How Old Are You People?

  50. In the old blog, Anonymous said:

  51. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    C. A. R....You Go!!

  52. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    It is of little suprise to me that the topic and insults have become about race. Often bad actions of people that defy logic turn to illogical arguement for resolution. A 19 year old driving the way John did (may have) is not logical, safe or prudent. We in fact as a country draft laws about the unsafe including the DMV CODE and the Penal Code. We also have a presumption of innocence and to this point in my book John is innocent. But I look forward to hearing what John has to say as I look forward to hearing what the Highway Patrol has to say. What did John tell the Hwy Patrol? What do the skid marks say? I understand that there is a video from one of the comments posted here … I bet from 7-11. What does it show?As for “white trash” and yet used Arab slurs make me wonder who is making them. I wonder if the sign on the fence on Hwy 94 (scene of the alleged yet to be proven crime)belongs to White Trash or if they are Arab, Mexican, African or who knows mixed race. What ever race, this property owner seems to have it right. The focus should be the childen of the victum. I am not for boycotting anyone but if I found out that the guy who posted the banner owned a store I would be buying my needed items from him or her or them, white trash or not. And by the way noticing everything along the way on 94 this property owner has done a real nice job improving that property he has done his community more than one favor. Would it not be interesting if he were white?Recently a world leader (Austraila) told the Muslim arabs in his country if they did not want to live by the laws of the land the easy answer was to find a county to go to. I suggest that anyone that hates whites, mexicans or arabs or anyone else merely because of birth by parents, whom they had no control over should return to their parents country of orgin. In our community we are tolerant of one another and we do what we can to help. Again I will use the banner at the scene of the accident to demonstrate what we do, We as a commmunity help our neighbor.Instead of throwing slurs, if your really an Arab as you present yourself to be gather your fellow more wealthy than WHITE TRASH friends together and show the family of the victum just how caring you are. Open your pocket book write a check copy it and send it to the trust fund and the owner of this blog to post.As for the comment about the United States not being asked into Iraq. If my memory serves me correctly the entire local Chaladen Community celebrated the invasion. This makes me wonder if the negative comments make are really from an Arab or if your comments are ment to divide a community that has worked in lawful harmomy. Or is this really the feeling of your ethnic community that you came to the United States for the good life and to just take advantage of stupid white trash because if that is what your saying your not a christian community you profess to be. Help thy neighbor.. Open your check book and show your compassion to the family or accept the possibility your not as smart as you think you are your a racist, lacking civility and understanding of your community and the American way of life.

  53. In the old blog, jamul said:
    now we see the real level of education here dont we Tom? This is funny If I were chaldean the last thing I would be doing right now is talking trash like this. Have you all seen the T.V. the last couple of daysremember us white trash out number you severelylast time I checked there are 125.000 chaldeans in the U.S. If world wide tensions start to flare remember 9/11 you might have some problems If I were you I would hush your mouth. People are just getting more pissed off at the Arab community.

  54. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    hahaaa, jokesss.

  55. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    I think its important to filter out the b.s. from both sides of this open dialogue and focus primarily on two main points, the death of a woman and the essence of this nation.Before doing so, I would like to clarify two important points. 1. Chaldeans are not “Arabs,” they are Chaldeans. The term Arab indicates that one is a follower of Islam while Chaldeans are inherently Catholic. 2. The use of term “white trash” is also inappropriate in this discussion because it implies that other cultures do not have a “trash” class. The reality is, regardless of your ancestry, there exist people of all different class levels and as the enlightened, educated individuals that you all are, you should not dwell on such a childish concept. Let’s move on.More importantly than any of that, a woman has died due to the reckless actions of an individual. What if Johnny was black? Or Mexican? Or Caucasian? Or Martian? Would it change the fact that a woman had died? No. The truth is she would still be dead and he would still be dealing with that for the rest of his life. With all the respect in the world, I hope her family will have the strength to see through this difficult time and may she rest in peace.Some comments in this blog have focused on issues such as race, ethnicity, education, class, and money… all important subjects but none inherently specific to one group of people. America truly is the land of opportunity. My parents came here with only their faith in God and their educations, and with that they have thrived not as Chaldeans, or Caucasians, not even as Iraqi-Americans, but as humans trying to survive. Regardless of all the differences that exist on the outside, when you break it down to the smallest common factor, we are all humans. We all bleed red.So what? Who cares? Well I hope all of you do. Don’t turn this into some waste-of-time, childish discussion about my daddy is richer than yours, I shop at Nordstrom’s while you’re at the Swap Meet asinine dialogue, but let’s use it as a wake-up call that we are all the same and we need to respect each other and value life, because as bad as things may seem, one quick glance at the evening news shows you how truly great we have it here.

  56. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Yes and right now Im proud to be an american where I can voice my opinion. Incuding those that include john dallo, Also look up the word arab in the dictionary. Your might be surprised. chaldea or Iraq and Iran are included in tha land of Arabs. chaldeans choose not to be called arabs but they are. A religoussect does not divide a land of people from what they are. So a baptist is not an american?

  57. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Let me get this straight so you think there is chaldean trash also? White people dont have an exclusive on trash? Good!! I was getting a little worried maybe now I will remove the kitchen from my Garage.

  58. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    You wish you could afford to have a kitchen in your garage AND inside your home. Or have 3 freezers stocked with food & drinks, or have nice cars, or a nice house, or a family that sticks together no matter what.

  59. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Years of repentance are necessary in order to blot out a sin in the eyes of men, but one tear of repentance suffices with God.Hang in there Jonny

  60. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    For the two comments directly under Comment from Anonymous on July 14, 2006 3:18:34 PM PDT, you completely missed out on the main point of the message. Why would you write something so stupid? Come on people lets stick on the real topic!

  61. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Take the last comment back, it is actualy directed for the two people under Comment from Anonymous on July 14, 2006 3:50:57 PM PDT

  62. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    as I said look in the dictionary. Chaldeans are arabslike it or not.

  63. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    I’m not sure which dictionary you’re looking at, but the dictionarhy definitely does not make reference to Chaldeans being Arabs…and besides..what does that have to do with anything??? I can understand your jealousy, but really you have to just live with the fact that you are WHITE TRASH and that won’t change

  64. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Again..How old are you people?

  65. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    it was his choice to go 100mhp

  66. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Im sure you looked up the word chaldeannow look up the word arab

  67. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    arabn 1: a member of a Semitic people originally from the Arabian peninsula and surrounding territories who speaks Arabic and who inhabits much of the Middle East and northern Africa [syn: Arab, Arabian] 2: a spirited graceful and intelligent riding horse native to Arabia [syn: Arabian, Arab]

  68. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    chaldeanadj : of or relating to ancient Chaldea or its people or language or culture [syn: Chaldean, Chaldaean, Chaldee] n 1: a wise man skilled in occult learning [syn: Chaldean, Chaldaean, Chaldee] 2: an inhabitant of ancient Chaldea [syn: Chaldean, Chaldaean, Chaldee]

  69. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    chaldeanA member of an ancient Semitic people who ruled in Babylonia.

  70. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    where was chaldea

  71. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    It doesnt matter whether he was not drinking or not on drugs. The fact of the matter here is that Jonny killed someone. Taking away a mother’s life from four children, her husband and family. There is a actual video of this accident which the police have as evidence. And according to the accident report that i have in front of me Jonny Dallo states that he continued east bound and began to accelerate to speeds he claimed to be up to a 100 mph.When he was west of steel canyon road he came upon two slower moving vehicles. He passed the vehicles using the two way left turn to do so, Then continued east bound. He approached the intersection with steel canyon road at a speed that he estimated to be approx. 100 mph. These are some of the actual statements from jonny Dallo. He also stated that he drove his mothers vehicle that night because his radio in his car was not working and that he wanted music. He also stated that his mother’s car is a fast car. He’s had three tickets in the past. One for speeding, one for making an illegal turn and one for not stopping at a red light. The speeding ticket he claims was for going 94 mph. on the 94 freeway. He also stated then that “he is a good driver when he is not speeding, but as soon as i step on the gas pedal it is a whole other world”. When asked if it was his normal pattern of driving he stated “only on that road”. These are actual statements from Jonny Dallo himself. The actual accident report is 30 something pages long and i wont bother going into the rest. There were many other statements as well.The public does have a right to obtain a actual copy of the accident report. This is not about race and this isn’t about judging him before a trial, this is only about stating the facts about what happened on that horrible morning. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

  72. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Ages People, I want Ages!

  73. I have contacted the CHP, and read their web site; both say essentially the same thing. To quote their web site:"In order to allow a proper Party of Interest (i.e. Driver, Passenger, Property Owner, Vehicle Owner, Parent of Minor, or Legal Guardian) to obtain a copy of a CHP collision report/investigation…
    The most common Parties of Interest are: Driver, Passenger, Property Owner, Vehicle Owner, Parent of Minor, or Legal Guardian of an individual. If you are not sure you are entitled to a copy of the report/investigation, please contact any CHP Area office to verify whether you are a proper Party of Interest."So, anonymous commenter… If I can’t get a copy of the accident report, how did you manage to do so? Or did you? Is the information in your comment actually as authoritative as you claim?I challenge you to prove to me, privately (see “Email Tom", at right), that you actually do have a copy of the accident report, and that the information you’ve presented is accurately reporting its contents. Until and if I get your response, I’m advising all of my readers to be skeptical of the information in the comment above.

  74. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    I hope all this verbal abuse stops. Focus on the problem people stop acting like kids. Grow up.

  75. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    how do you know their not kids posting!! kids are better on the internet than we are. jonnys friends are teenagers Da.

  76. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    The Dallo family is wealthy just look at how many stores they own!!!! Take a look at their house in Jamul. Take a look at who they are!!!!

  77. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    The chaldean people are the first ones to try to rip you off at the grocery store. Ask anyone in works at a grocery store they will try anything to rip you off. They steal coupons out from their own newspapers in their liquour stores. They come in the store using government EBT cards, then get in a new BMW. So everyone who works at a grocery store knows they are not the most honest people.

  78. Comments like these — racial slurs, nasty generalizations — are sorely testing my resolve to maintain my blog as a “censorship free” zone.

    If you’re interested in keeping this message thread open, folks, then TONE IT DOWN!

    If there’s much more of this puerile BS from either side of this debate, I’m going to start something I’ve never had to do before: rejecting comments on the grounds of decorum, and blacklisting the authors.

    How about everybody taking a few deep breaths, and start commenting more decorously?

  79. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    first of all we are not arabs. we are chaldean. so get ur facts straight. and stop asking if we are kids. even if we were, we still have a say in this!!check ur first amendment buddy!

  80. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    why are all the people that leave comments racist against chaldeans! what did we do to you. if johnny were white u guys would not be commenting this!!

  81. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    If jonny was white we would treat him the same way.white black purple red yellow whatever it is the are a racist. You are a disgrace to the chaldean arab community and your comments lack importanceand I am frankly tired of reading them. You have the mentality that Hezbolah does, Its time for you to put yourself In CHECK. and quit embarrassing the arab community.

  82. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Look out Tom! Beverages and More is next.

  83. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Nonymous 4:07 learn to spell before you talk

  84. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    We need to focus on the real issue, and stop with the verbal abuse!

  85. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Haha!! What does that have to do with anything?? Wow, some people are really funny. Was anyone arguing that the family was not a hard working family? Why are you so defensive about that?

  86. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Tom now your talking.......i agree with you 100%

  87. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    the real issue is that johnny would never have intended to hurt anyone. take it from someone whos known him very well. all you peoaple are saying he was a spoiled brat. even if he was (which he isnt) it doesnt even matter. if you guys had money im sure you would spoil your kids to.

  88. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Your very Ignorant. Im sure most of the people who are writing these comments are very wealthy. after all we all live in Jamul. and Im sure alot of us are not as far extended as Mr Dallo,You have no clue what we have.

  89. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Just because you live in Jamul does not make you wealthy! I live there to and lots of people from there do not have a lot of money. Anonymous on July 18, 2006 9:40:48 PM PDT is right I mean if you have money you are going to give your kids the best things in life, my parents do. Anyway that is not the issue. I to know Jonny and he is a nice guy, he would do anything for his friends. At the same time my prayers are with Jodi’s family and friends. You do know who Jodi is? I mean everyone is talking about Jonny’s money, it seems like you guys forgot what was really going on.

  90. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    The real issue is that Jodi Burnett is dead because of the reckless actions of Jonny Dallo. Jonny thought he was above the law and could drive at whatever speed he wanted (as he’d apparently done so many times before). Unfortunately, this time his choice to drive like a maniac led to the death of an innocent woman. The comment above on 07/18 9:40PM says “Johnny would never have intended to hurt anyone.” I’m sure Jonny didn’t intend to kill Jodi, but the fact is that his reckless actions did kill her. What exactly were Jonny’s intentions anyway…perhaps he had a death wish of his own? Why is it that he, as the law-breaking rebel, walked away from this accident while Jodi, the innocent victim, died? Too bad it wasn’t the other way around.

  91. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    The dateline article did mention the propensity for suicide for overweight teens. is this a motion for the defense/ or will the dallo family step to the plate/I used to shop at Harvest Ranch in El cajon And had always wondered why the service went down hill when the previous owner ran things it was much better. everything Is much different/do other shoppers agree?

  92. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Just because you live in jamul does not make you wealthy ? What was your property tax bill this year ?you have no clue because you parents pay It and eventually through the grapevine I will find out who you are and will share what hatred you are printing on this blog with your parents go home little one,

  93. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    the dallo family is so hard-working. i cant believe some idiot would talk about his shopping experience at a groecery store.....sorry buddy but if you wanted to make a complaint this is the wrong place for it. we need to focus on the real issue and stop worrying about jonhhy and how wealthy he is. and im sorry if i made any spelling mistakes because i know that the people that comment this blog always say something about it!!

  94. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    I couild care less how hard working the dallo family is. they didnt work to hard on educating jonny on the rules of the road. what does hard working have to do with the “REAL ISSUE” and groecery is spelled GROCERY. whos the idiot?

  95. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    since you want to be so anal about everything.....couild is spelled could. have anything smart to say about that?!? whos the idiot?

  96. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    A lot of comments on this blog have described the Dallos as a hardworking, good family. I’m not disputing this as I don’t know the Dallos, but I’m wondering why they didn’t take a harder stance on disciplining their son. The Dateline story described Jonny as a rebel who’s lived by his own set of rules and mangaged to talk his way out of everything. The story also said he was failing at school and had gotten a pile of speeding tickets. After Jonny was expelled from a special school for overweight teens (for breaking their rules) and sent to a wilderness camp, his mother said, “That was the first time Jonny ever had to really pay consequences for something that he did.” Per the Dateline story, it sounds like the Dallos tried to help Jonny…they were willing to pay for a gastric bypass surgery, but they sent him to a special school for overweight teens instead (which I’m sure was pretty expensive). To those who know the Dallos…Why did they allow Jonny to continue driving their cars after he’d gotten a pile of speeding tickets? Why didn’t they make him take responsibility for his actions? Did they ever punish Jonny or did they always just turn a blind eye to his reckless behavior? Didn’t they think about the fact that his outrageous driving could lead to something like what happened to Jodi?

  97. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    You dont even know how to spell Jonhhy The one you care so much about?? who is the idiot?

  98. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    I think you’re both idiots. If all you can comment on is spelling mistakes rather than the real issues at hand, please don’t waste our time.

  99. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Ok Johnny left the midnight showing of Superman. Who Cares? What he did after that while driving home is far from an ACCIDENT. there is a 55 m.p.h Radar enforced speed sign just before you cross the new Bridge where the Old Iron Bridge is one Signal light from the bridge.His speeds were in excess of 100 m.p.h . Yes everyone overdoes the speed Limit on Highway 94 and i leave early so i have seen several bad accidents on Highway 94. But to call what Johnny did as an Accident is a very real Understatement. Driving the speed that Mr. Dallo was driving was Gross Negligence and yes there should be some sort of Penalty or Punishment served or taken care. But Pulling a race Card and saying every Chaldean is rich is so wrong.I have several Chaldean Friends That would break there backs like me to have better.No they do not own every Liquor store here and that extends past Beverages and more and Yada Yada Playing a race card does Nothing. In my being raised as a kid I was always taught to respect every Race Religion and Creed no Matter what. But here is the Kicker. I was also raised to Accept what i had done and make Ammends some how to what i had done. No i am not Racist in anyways. In Fact 6 of my Best Friends are Chaldean and they own two places just down or up from where the accident happened. They are very well liked Chaldeans. I just find this Tragic Accident that some are Playing a race card now.What about the Mexican Smuggling that is Happening and Killing more than one. They also have Families.Include more races if you are gonna shame good people bettering themselves liviving here in the U.S.A. Oh and most of the drivers of Smuggling Aliens or Mexicans wanting better Lives for there Families are white People in search of the Almighty Dollar Signs they get. Yeah i am White and yes i work at least 8 to 10 hours a day for what i have or What i want BUT Playing the Race Card has gone to Far. Drop the Racism and Let the Courts Figure Out.

  100. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Ok Johnny left the midnight showing of Superman. Who Cares? What he did after that while driving home is far from an ACCIDENT. there is a 55 m.p.h Radar enforced speed sign just before you cross the new Bridge where the Old Iron Bridge is one Signal light from the bridge.His speeds were in excess of 100 m.p.h . Yes everyone overdoes the speed Limit on Highway 94 and i leave early so i have seen several bad accidents on Highway 94. But to call what Johnny did as an Accident is a very real Understatement. Driving the speed that Mr. Dallo was driving was Gross Negligence and yes there should be some sort of Penalty or Punishment served or taken care. But Pulling a race Card and saying every Chaldean is rich is so wrong.I have several Chaldean Friends That would break there backs like me to have better.No they do not own every Liquor store here and that extends past Beverages and more and Yada Yada Playing a race card does Nothing. In my being raised as a kid I was always taught to respect every Race Religion and Creed no Matter what. But here is the Kicker. I was also raised to Accept what i had done and make Ammends some how to what i had done. No i am not Racist in anyways. In Fact 6 of my Best Friends are Chaldean and they own two places just down or up from where the accident happened. They are very well liked Chaldeans. I just find this Tragic Accident that some are Playing a race card now.What about the Mexican Smuggling that is Happening and Killing more than one. They also have Families.Include more races if you are gonna shame good people bettering themselves liviving here in the U.S.A. Oh and most of the drivers of Smuggling Aliens or Mexicans wanting better Lives for there Families are white People in search of the Almighty Dollar Signs they get. Yeah i am White and yes i work at least 8 to 10 hours a day for what i have or What i want BUT Playing the Race Card has gone to Far. Drop the Racism and Let the Courts Figure Out.

  101. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    well you said a mouthfull tell us how you really the way the 55 mile per hr speed limit sign just went up this week.

  102. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Why is everyone so agains Johnny as if there has never been a teen who drove fast and killed anyone. Or are we talking so much about Johnny because he is a Chaldean. People go listen to the news Johnny is not the first or the last. You all are sitting here acting like great parents. But do you really know what your kids are doing or how fast there driving.......I dont give a sh… if i miss spelled few words so there

  103. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    The scariest part of this whole thing is letting the courts figure this out. will there be true justice served.I doubt it.

  104. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    does anyone know how fast he really was driving? i mean is there actual proof of how much he was speeding?

  105. In the old blog, Anonymous said:

  106. In the old blog, A Jamulblog catholic reader said:
    Wow! I just spent 40 minutes reading every entry on this web page up until today. I just want to say a few things and I’ll keep it short and simple. (wait!, Is spell check on?? — grow up people)1. Jonny was at fault of this accident. He was charged, arrested, and will be judged. -END2. Jodi (one of God’s children)left us and is now with God. It was her time to go. I hope her kids will understand that as they get older. LIFE GOES ON PEOPLE! Live every day the fullest because you never know when your day will come. I pray for the Jodi’s family of their loss AND Jonny’s family for the guilt and hardship they will have to live with every day for the rest of THEIR lifes.

  107. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    you need evelyn wood if it took you forty minutes to read this.

  108. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    i heard jonny got a body lift after he lost all that wieght lol the parents spend so much money on that kid i dont understand why hes not a great kid at all.

  109. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    well I happen to know the Dallo’s and their all are really really cheap I mean Jonathon’s mom had a maid who she didn’t even pay very well and she practically starved her. They die over a dollar.

  110. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    about their house in Jamul it’s not that nice inside or big its an ordinary house I’ve seen it and anyways they got it at a really cheap price like for 1 mil and right now any decent house you look at is around that price anyway. They get a a lot of credit which they don’t deserve and show off their things that they get half off and then brag and lie about how much they spend just to look good. Their a bunch of show offs and they deserve all their bad karma.

  111. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    About Chaldeans having more class your dumb. I know Chaldeans who have had kids before marriage right now theirs one who just gave birth like 2 months ago and her boyfriend wants nothing to do with her. Then some of the Chaldeans who get pregnant which I know at least 20 girls who were go and get abortions and I thought their supposed to be catholic but then again Chaldeans would do anything just to have a good reputation even go against their own religion that they stand by and brag about. So The only reason you think it’s uncommon is because most chaldeans families try to hide these things from outside people because chaldeans don’t support their kids when things like this happen they throw them out on the street. Their way more concerned with what other chaldeans would think of them and their reputation then their own kids. And theirs hundreds who live with their boyfriends before marriage but everyone just covers that up don’t they. And wearing black for like eternity after a funeral who do you think they do that for the dead or for the chaldeans people because if they don’t everyone would talk about them. So, Chaldeans are forced to wear black for a long time and they faint and cry like their physically dying at the funeral because if they don’t people would say “they did’nt even cry” they should be hanged. Chaldeans are the most FAKE, FAKE people out their even their tears at their own relatives funerals are all show. What kind of people do that they don’t live their life for themselves but for others. That’s sad.

  112. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    We know the Dallo’s and John’s parents called Jodi an idiot for being in the way of John’s BMW. I mean they act like nothing is their fault they should be punished. Just for that comment.

  113. In the old blog, Anonymous said: His brothers myspace. Do responsible parents allow under age drinking his brother is in highschool why is he drinking and getting fadded?

  114. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    I know a lot of Chaldean parents and ya most of them have no idea what their children are doing I mean 97 percent of the parents don’t even talk to their children about sex or anything because thats the catholic way they think so their children are out of control. Most of them only care about working anyways so they don’t even talk to their kids. So, the chaldean children are left out to do what they want and have no guidence or help if they do get pregnent or into any kind of trouble their left on their own. Chaldeans should not have kids if they can’t take care of them or don’t know how to.

  115. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    I know the Dallo’s and they don’t have a good family or any guidance from anywhere they have no morals and don’t know whats right or wrong their family equals: cheating father+out of control kids+no mother around+kids can barely finish High school and all they know to do is brag.

  116. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    For the record, Jonny has only had one speeding ticket his whole life, so stop believing the hype of these news stations and programs. if u wanna find some real answers, ask somebody who actually knows and is not just blowing rumors and hateful comments out of their ass. All this Jonny the rebel b.s. is nonsense. By the way, u dont have to take my word for it, all the real facts will come forth in a court of law and i guarantee u. all u losers are gonna put your heads down, and shut your mouths because ur gonna see proffesionals, who get paid to find the truth show evidence on his side and not yours. What goes around comes around. and all this crap u guys r talking is gonna come back to u 10 times over. God Bless the Burnett family. and may Jodi rest in peace.

  117. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    It doesn’t matter if it was just one speeding ticket, that was one too many. HE TOOK A LIFE AWAY FROM HER FAMILY!!! They say his readiness conference is a week from today. Sept 12 is his prelim. Hopefully the Tribune will cover it and let us know if they do the right thing and THROW THE BOOK at him, make him face ALL the charges. We need to keep people like him off the streets.

  118. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    About the comment on Aug 2 10:07 You are sooooooooo right I know a lot of Chaldeans like that well all of them thank God I’m not Chaldean I’d rather die then not have a happy life that I would live for myself.

  119. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Aug 2 10:07 comment now that is the real definition of Chaldean not something out of a dictionaryEVERYONE READ THAT COMMENT and you will learn what Chaldean really is.

  120. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    ha ya well I know what you mean John’s grandpa died and the whole family was fainting and crying when everyone was watching them and then after a second nothing was wrong with them. They were grabbing the kleenex box and wiping their tears but their were no tears it was all an act.

  121. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Someone should call child protective services and have them look into the younger dallos under agedrinking habits.

  122. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Like you did not drink underage? COME ON PEOPLE, it was an accident. It could have happened to anyone, including yourself. Do not even bring up the 'younger dallo' because it has nothing to do with this. Putting a generalized idea on Chaldeans is very immature. Just quit it with this bullshit everyone, you’re getting so worked up on this.

  123. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Do not disrespect your background… ;)

  124. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    oh so anything the Dallo’s do your just going to make excuses for so he killed someone and you call it just an accident right no big deal and under age drinking is just normal whats next what else are you going to stick up for them? Obviously your their friend your on their side no matter what John would have done you don’t care all your here for is to make him look innocent well hes not!! He could have killed 20 people and you would still sit their and type just an accident.

  125. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    wow must be lucky to go out and commit crimes and nobody blames him I wish I could do that and have people say it’s ok it was an accident.

  126. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Are you trying to convince us under age drinking is ok because everyone does it and killing someone is ok if it’s an accident? Is this really what you believe seriously or you believe this just because he’s your friend he should get away with killing someone you sound insane. Listen to your self before you say something dumb.

  127. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    2:27 I don’t know if your aware but in America we have actual laws and consequences against drinking and killing this is not Iraqi You can’t just make up your own set of rules.

  128. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Why are his friends sticking up for him. The whole Chaldean community already knows what a messed up dysfunctional family John comes from.It’s not a Big secret. What would you expect from someone who comes from that family he has no one with real morals to look up to. His father and all his uncles are busy going on vacations and cheating on their wife’s who don’t care. So can you blame Johnny if he doesn’t care about consequences and rules of life.

  129. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    It’s not John’s fault his parents don’t have time to teach him the consequences of speeding they even forgot to tell him about the food pyramid so they just sent him to fat farm instead.

  130. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    What kind of a mother doesn’t care to teach her kids any morals maybe the kind who brags to all her friends about how lucky she is to be married to Mr.Dallo who has a different girlfriend everyday.

  131. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Hey, come on Mona’s life is damaged for the rest of her life already her kids are over weight and can barely survive and make it through remedial classes in high school. Her husband treats her like trash and is only decent with her in front of people. And she still has to face everyone, smile, and pretend and act like life is great that is hard to do. And she has to do this for the rest of her life can you imagine so ya she brags to make her self feel better do you blame her?

  132. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    you are all evil, evil people and karma will come back to all of you one day

  133. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    No, I think the Karma has finally hit the Dallo’s

  134. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Bad karma from stating the truth. I don’t think so. Killing an innocent person ha the Dallo’s are going to have a hell of a bad karma for the rest of their lives.

  135. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Please the Dallos are out partying every day you think they care.

  136. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    They will when the get the attorneys bills

  137. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    These comments are so disgusting. You losers who have nothing better to do than to write about the Dallo’s should really concentrate on your own lives.

  138. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    I will respond to this blog without using my name because a I knew this family closly for several years. The father, Mike allows his children to act hover they like and spoils them to no end. For years Johny has been failling school and just being a disrepectful punk. The whole family acts without class and I always new that one day not having to answer for their actions would eventualy catch up to them but Inever thought it would cost the life of an innocent mom. I feal a little sad that his lifeis ruined but her childrens lives will be much worse.

  139. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    To the person who asked if I have ever met the family, you must not have read my comment. I knew the family very well for aboout 4 years and them having money has nothing to do with what I was talking about, you cannot buy class. What I said was that the family spoils their children, and doesn’t force them to be responsable. The fact that it was an accident doesn’t completely fly because of the recless way the wreck happened. If he was going the speed limit and driving safely it would be different. The fact that it was a nice car doesn’t matter at all if he was driving a pinto I would feel the same.

  140. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    dont you think someone who kills an innocent person is disgusting.

  141. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    How long is the rich brat going to get a delay? Where is justice for Jodi’s family????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  142. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    merry x-mas jodi. i am sure this will be the toughest for your family. may u rest in peace and watch over your children, u died trying to make a little extra money for them.

  143. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Guilty plea Sentencing in February facing 6 years. Merry Christmas Burnett family. My thoughts are with you during your tough moments

  144. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Ok all of you who are talking against Chaldeans and Jonny and his family need to stop it. This is immature and rude of all of you. Reading all of these comments has offended me, not only because I am Chaldean, but living in a country where we are supposed to be accepting of all people. The Dallo family lifestyle needs to be left alone and not talked about. You cannot judge them because they are not judging you and it would be nice if all of you would stop spreading hateful rumors and remarks. Have some respect for the famlies of both Jonny and Jodi. Prayers for the famlies would be helpful, not hate comments. Keep both Jonny and Jodi and their famlies in your prayers.

  145. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Incase you people forgot, this blog is about Jonny Dallo and the accident, not on how Chaldeans “rip people off” when they come into their liquor stores. So you all need to get that racism off your chest that you’ve had bottled up all these years.

  146. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Let’s talk ripping people off. Re-labeling salsa that has expired to a new date, opening cans of Swanson gravy, pouring it into containers and labeling them Harvest Ranch Purveyors of Fine Foods, serving Stouffers Mac & Cheese and calling it theirs..... it goes on and on. Low end quality food for high end prices.

  147. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Johnny’s grandmother is having a bingo at Saint Peters church just for johnny she thinks it will help him not go to jail how sad any body wants to go its at 5pm today.

  148. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    shes just trying to raise money for the church and thats supposed to stop him from going to jail how?

  149. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Tomorrow is the day he is to get sentenced. Let’s hope Jodi’s family can get justice, then file a civil suit against the Dallo’s

  150. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    I would just like to clarify and not let this subject get out of hand. The Bingo that is held every Monday at Saint Peters Church does not benefit the church. The money is used to help families who are in need of financial help. The organization of women who coordinate this weekly event use the funds raised to help feed, buy clothes, and pay medical bills, housing, ect. for people who are in desperate need of help. Each week a different individual will host the bingo. The host provides refreshments and prizes. Mrs. Dallo hosted the bingo this week just as she has done every year for the last several years. I find it very sad and disturbing that some people who have commented on this blog have lost sight of the real issue at hand. The issue is not about a few individual’s hatred and prejudice towards the Dallo family or the Chaldean Community. The issue is about how driving to fast can not only pose a risk to yourself but to innocent people on the road. Johnathan Dallo did not go out to kill or hurt someone on that tragic evening, but the decision he made that night to speed resulted in the death of this innocent women. He will have to live with that for the rest of his life. Stop crucifing a whole family, for the actions of one individual with your lies and rumors. It is not beneficial to anyone to use this forum as a means to spread hatred and prejudice. This will do no good. Please focus your energy on educating and warning people about the dangers of speeding. May God bless and watch over the Burnett Family and the Dallo Family.

  151. Whoever you are, my sane commenter, thank you for being the adult on this thread…

  152. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Wow, one year in jail for killing someone. Nice country we have.

  153. In the old blog, .....LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!!! said:
    I think that all of you jokes are really taking this out of control and now that things are finally settled everyone needs SHUT UP and just realize that poeple make mistakes and you need to get stop talking so much crap about something that is none of your bussiness. Stop posting things and just let this go. Leave him alone and just on with your lives instead of budding into other peoples!

  154. In the old blog, meeeee!!!! said:
    Johnny’s a G!!!

  155. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    how is he a G he was crying like a baby on tv.

  156. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    did you see his disgusting fake family all crying and hugging when in reality they cant even stand each other and their always talking about each other and now their hugging on tv. everything they do is just for show.

  157. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    and his family has a bunch of disorders so he gets it from them.

  158. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Only evil, and jealous people who have no compassion for other human beings would spread such vicious lies and rumors. You must come from a family that does not care for each other, thats why you find it hard to believe that this family and group of friends does genuinely care for each other. Take my word, THERE WERE NO FAKE TEARS!! Please take a lesson from The Burnett Family. They carried themselves with more compassion and heartfelt words. And afterall THEY ARE THE VICTIMS NOT YOU. Stop using their loss as a way for you to show your hate for other people.

  159. In the old blog, a close friend said:
    I had no idea how revolting some people can be....have you nothing better to do with your time? Are you sooo bored with your own life that you have nothing better to do than talk about a family that you know NOTHING ABOUT......who do u think you are??.....of course jonny is going to cry......he has just taken a life away…those of you who do not know jonny only see what they want to see...."an irresponsible teenager"…Let me tell you something about this “irresponsible teenager"…Not only has he volunteered in retirement homes, made it to every Sunday mass, put a smile on everyones face…hope and will power in everyone’s heart…survived the most problematical situations in his life…he did it all with the help of that FAMILY....YOU KNOW…that family that is “only crying for the cameras” ..dont sit there and blindly convince yourself that all of the 50+ family and friends that showed up at his trial were only there for show…We were there for a friend, brother, cousin, son, nephew, grandson....we were there to help jonny…Would asking you to put a loved one in jonny’s shoes be too much????....HE MADE A MISTAKE…dont sit there and type away with your eyes shut convincing yourself that you havent made mistakes!.....of course his family is going to be upset....and that “fake family” as you so cowardly put it…is the strongest family i have ever had the pleasure of knowing....that “disgusting” family…which you know absolutely nothing about has more love, dedication, and moral than you or anyone else who speaks out of pure ignorance will ever have…if your own lack of self confidence causes your diminutive brain to even think about labeling that family…you have a DISGUSTING persona....You obviously have a problem....and it looks to me like a maturity issue. This forum was not created so that you could have the opportunity to judge jonny or his family…thats not for you to do…Its for God to do....and dont for one mintute think you have that authority....If you were so confident in your claims, you would leave a name…your failure to do so only implies that you are a coward who wants nothing but to judge those around him.....don’t be so quick to judge....I say this with the utmost courtesy......GROW UPA wonderful mother of 4 was killed and that family is left with the pain of loss…She is in our prayers and thoughts..please be respectful and mature and keep it at that.God Bless

  160. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Who are you, the Dallo’s P.R. person?? Why did’t you leave your name? You call us a coward, are you any different????

  161. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    haha crying like a baby in the paper why did they choose only to print that pic

  162. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    people did not show up at court for a son, nephew and so on and so on your ignorant they showed up because if they didnt everyone would talk about them nice try and obviously your just trying to make them look good they asked for everyone to show up because their all cowards they couldnt just not go to court Who do you think you are trying so hard to convince people when everyone knows what a messed up family that is. what morals does that family have they teach their kids that if the father cheats you still stand by him those are good MORALS. idiot that family has no morals or values they just try really hard to convince others that their so wonderful like you but everyone knows.

  163. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    The papers print pics like that because they know idiots like you eat it up, and that sells more papers and they make more money.For someone who hates this family so much, you sure seem obsessed. I think you’re the one with the problem, get a life and some help.

  164. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Some of you really need to brush up your writing and spelling skills. With regards to infidelity, don’t worry about what goes on in the homes of others. Worry about yourself and shame on you for judging people that you obviously don’t know.

  165. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    u are right.. god sent people on earth for a reason… everyone dies.. nobody lives.. god sent jonny dallo on earth for this to happen.. i am not on anyones side i feel bad for both famileys but things happen…

  166. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    we do them obviously b/c its alll true b/c i know them and every little deatail there saying is true

  167. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    For the dallo family I advice you not to read E mail letters it is a wast of time and anargey GOD BLESS YOU>>.

  168. In the old blog, Duba’s 4 LIFE said:
    Don’t discriminate Chaldean’s, what did they ever do, people make mistakes like Johnny did, Chaldean’s came to America having NOTHING, they worked for there children and when they children finally had a education they go far, we know business and a lot more, don’t think less, because you think we’re just a bunch of Arabs, we’re more than that, we’re actually people that are just wanting a good life like each and everyone of you. Tell me a white or black or Asian person hasn’t made a mistake before, we’ll you can’t. People make mistakes daily but we have to deal with them not write hate mail, saying that the whole community is bad, because one individual did something wrong. Towards the Dallo family may god be with you The Duba Squad!!!!!!!!!!God Bless

  169. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    As a former employee of harvest ranch market for several years and at the time of the incident I can confirm the familys general lack of concern for the family of the killed lady, as a matter of fact one of the dallo wives threw a housewarming party the same week. I know the family well and they are the worst company I have ever worked for. The El Cajon store is filthy! We had a severe rat problem and the kitchen is utterly disgusting.
