Thursday, July 6, 2006

Jonny Rebel Update

First, from news reports yesterday (various sources):

A young man accused of driving a BMW at speeds up to 100 mph before slamming into a pickup truck, killing a newspaper carrier on her pre-dawn rounds, pleaded not guilty Wednesday to a vehicular manslaughter charge.

"He’s charged with vehicular manslaughter with gross negligence,” Deputy District Attorney Terrie Roberts said. “He faces up to six years in prison if he is found guilty."

Superior Court Judge Laura Halgren, who allowed Dallo to remain free on $50,000 bail, scheduled a readiness conference for Aug. 11 and a preliminary hearing for Sept. 12.

Prosecutors say alcohol or drugs were not involved in the crash.

This is exactly what I feared would happen. An innocent woman is killed by the willfully reckless actions of Jonny Dallo, and the maximum punishment is six years. From what I could find on the Internet (with conflicting reports), the average sentence for vehicular manslaughter is between 6 and 30 months — with about 25% receiving no jail time at all.

One lawyer’s site defines vehicular manslaughter as “… an unintentional killing that occurred during the commission of an unlawful act while driving a motor vehicle.” I’m certainly no lawyer, but in my reading of that definition I think I see the crux of my issue — it lies with the word “unintentional", which seems to be the key difference between involuntary manslaughter (which includes vehicular manslaugther) and the more stiffly punished “voluntary manslaughter,” or murder. It sounds to me like our laws have codified the liberal notion that we are only fully responsible for the consequences of our actions when we intended the consequences.

An anonymous commenter on one of my prior posts about Jonny Dallo (here and here) touched on another cherished liberal notion:

it is certain tht jonny dallo killed sum1 but it is also certain tht she wasnt wearing a seat belt either so she wasnt being safe

Blame the victim — a favorite liberal shibboleth, a way to shift part of the responsibility elsewhere. Oh, how I hate this kind of illogical thinking, and what it has done to our society!

Just in case anyone is in doubt, here’s where I stand: 100% of the responsibility for Jodi’s death is Jonny Dallo’s, for making the choice to behave in a reckless fashion that endangered everyone on that road — and which killed Jodi Burnett. I believe that Jonny — and others who demonstrate similarly reckless behavior — should be held accountable for the consequences of their actions, and their punishment should be widely published as a deterrent. I believe that unintentionally causing someone’s death as a result of reckless behavior isn’t far removed (in a moral sense) from intentionally causing someone’s death, and the punishments should be correspondingly similar.

Jonny Dallo should be in jail for a long, long time — and if he ever makes it out, he should never be allowed to drive again. His jail time should be unpleasant: punishment, not “rehabilitation”. I would just love to see a documentary produced about what he did, the consequences to Jodi and her family, and the unpleasant punishment that was his reward — and then require all school kids to watch it.


  1. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Dont drop the soap Jonny

  2. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    OK let me start out by saying I know Jonny very well. We went to school together and I even played softball with his sister. For one thing Jonny is no rebel in fact he is the sweetest guy I ever met. Now I feel for the women and her family and I dont think that he should have been driving as fast as he was. I know for a fact it was a mistake that is what it was. Everyone sits here and they want to punish him and thats fine but what if that was your son? He made a mistake he wasnt drinking or doing drugs just driving fast. Now if you walked out of your house right now count how many people who are driving fast, breaking the law. Are you telling me you always do the speed limited! The difference is he was unlucky. If he could take back that day he would I know he would. He has to live with this the rest of his life and yes I know so do her kids, but it was an accident. Will he get 6 years probably not! Jonny was speading just like millions of americans do everyday he is not a criminal he was just being a teenager.

  3. With respect, I must disagree with your characterization of Jonny’s behavior as a simple (and forgiveable) mistake — one that many others are making. And while I have no doubt that plenty of people perceived Jonny as a sweet guy, that is completely irrelevant to this issue — his degree of sweetness or sourness has no bearing on the degree of his responsibility. Plenty of people speed (including me, on occasion) — no doubt about that at all. But Jonny wasn’t simply speeding. He was traveling in excess of 100MPH (according to news reports); I’ve driven that stretch of 94 hunreds of times, and I can testify that speeds like that are most definitely NOT something you commonly see. And Jonny passed on a blind curve (as I verified myself) — that is also NOT the kind of behavior most people would engage in — it is a CHOICE that Jonny made, not a MISTAKE. It was his choice to be reckless, and his choice to endanger himself and others. Calling Jonny’s behavior a “mistake” is exactly the kind of responsibility-avoidance that our liberal culture encourages. I find it un-American. And equating Jonny’s behavior to the kind of casual speeding that people do, for example, when traveling through Camp Pendleton on I-5 is a false comparison; the two behaviors are very, very different. You ask how I would feel or behave if Jonny was my son. Obviously I would be greatly grieved by this whole affair. But if the news reports are accurate, and Jonny has a “pile” of speeding tickets that date back to the days before he was an adult, I’ll tell you with certainty that if Jonny were my child, he would not have been driving after that first speeding ticket until he was 18 and I could no longer legally control him. After that, as a parent of an adult engaging in such reckless behavior, I would be taking every action I legally could to intervene before … well, before something like Jodi’s death happened. In the end, though, this is not his parent’s responsibility; Jonny is legally an adult, and he is responsible for the consequences of his own actions.

  4. This is a continuation of my previous reply; on re-reading it I found that I’d left out the single most important thing I wanted to say. How would I feel, if Jonny were my son? First and foremost, I’d be grieving with the Burnett family (and doing whatever feeble thing I could to help them through this tragedy). And I would be mortified that my son’s behavior had this consequence, and deeply, deeply ashamed that a member of my family, my flesh-and-blood, had behaved so abominably. It’s hard to imagine what I’d feel past those…

  5. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Johnny acted irresponsible as he has done so many times in the past. His irresponsibility caused Jodi’s death and has put a burden upon her children who will suffer with the loss of their mother. Johnny comes from a very wealthy family. He has not been taught to be a responsible person, only that he can have whatever he wants handed to him without earning it. It’s been said that he will get off of this charge without any time served, he’s already out on bail. His family had a huge party the weekend Jodi died. If it were my son that did this, my party would have been cancelled. My only hope is that Jodi’s husband files a civil suit and hits them in the pocket taking away some of the riches Johnny can have handed to him. Money will not bring Jodi back, but at least her children can have some things they may not have been able to get, and Johnny will then have to do without. Here’s an novel idea- Maybe Johnny’s parents will finally put their brat to work and teach him RESPONSIBILITY!!!!!!!!

  6. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    You keep saying how would you feel if Johnny was your son. Let me put it this way. How would you feel if this was your Mom Who Johnny killed would you still defend him? Maybe not

  7. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    You guys dont know Johnny. You keep saying he has acted irresponsibly in the past. You dont know him. You make is seem like he was a horrible person. Ive known him all my life, and i disagree with what you guys are saying about him. He was a great guy. Not some rich spoiled brat that you guys make it seem he is. You dont know him. So dont judge him. I agree that johnny acted irresponsibly. But he would have never wanted to hurt anyone. I do feel for Jodi.....and her family. But what about Johnny’s family. Do you think making two families suffer will make things right?

  8. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    dont drop the soap jonny? what kind of cold-hearted person would say that!!!

  9. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Someone said dont drop the soap johnny…whoever wrote this u have anything smart to say about that??

  10. Well, I’m not sure about the smart part, but… That comment certainly is rude, and I believe the sentiment could have been effectively written without being crude. But I don’t believe the sentiment is “cold-hearted” at all — in fact, quite the opposite.

    In my view, “cold-hearted” would be the notion that a killer should be excused for his actions, while victim of his crime is forgotten. “Cold-hearted” is the idea that a killer should be lightly punished, or not at all, simply because he’s sorry now, it was just a “mistake", he’s a young man with a full life ahead of him, he’s “sweet", or some other such irrelevant drivel. “Cold-hearted” is the frequent proclamation by defense attorneys that punishing the criminal would just “make a second tragedy", and with that logic seeking to allow another irresponsible, reckless perpetrator to remain unpunished and undeterred — and sending a message to all the others so inclined that it’s ok. That’s cold-hearted…

  11. "I agree that johnny acted irresponsibly. But he would have never wanted to hurt anyone."

    So what? Jonny’s intentions aren’t relevent — the only thing that’s relevant is what his choices were. The consequence of those choices — Jodi’s death — he is responsible for. If you follow the notion you expressed to its logical extreme, someone could take a shotgun into a crowded shopping mall and start blasting away — but if they didn’t intend to hurt anyone, well then that’s just ok. Do you really buy that logic?

    "Do you think making two families suffer will make things right?"

    This is very close the classic defense attorney’s stance: don’t punish my client, because (a) that won’t bring back the victim, and (b) it will just create a second tragedy for no reason. Excuse me, but that’s just liberal drivel run amok — responsibility avoidance of the Ted Kennedy variety (remember Mary Jo Kopechne?).

    The point isn’t whether punishing Jonny would “make things right”. The point is to punish Jonny for his reckless and irresponsible behavior — the result of freely made choices — that killed Jodi Burnett. A secondary, hoped-for benefit is deterrence of other irresponsible people. Wikipedia defines punish as “…the practice of imposing something unpleasant on a subject as a response to some unwanted behavior or disobedience that the subject has displayed.” Liberals would have you believe that punishment is somehow “uncivilized” or “primitive”. What claptrap! Punishment is an essential tool for any responsible parents, to shape their child’s behavior. Punishment is what a responsible society does when one of its members behaves in a way that threatens others.

  12. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Maybe towards the end of this year or later next year I will throw a large bash when the jury finishes with jonny.(A Jodi Burnett Memorial party)

  13. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    tom dilatush it is funny how u hate a person so much that u have never even met. it is very odd of u as a journalist to make such accusations about a persons character because of a traffic ACCIDENT!!!!!!!

  14. Well!

    It’s very odd of you to call me a journalist — I am certainly no such thing. I make my living by writing software, which is pretty far from being a journalist! It’s also very odd of you posit that to hate someone you need to meet that person. I have an intense hatred for quite a few folks I’ve never met: Hitler, Stalin, Charles Manson, … oh, I could go on for quite a while with that list!

    Since you’re commenting on this post, you most likely mean Jonny Dallo is the person I supposedly hate — but that would be false. You appear to be equating my desire to punish someone who misbehaves to my hatred of that person — an illogical conclusion, though one that’s quite typical of those with a liberal mindset.

    But the oddest thing of all about your comment is the all-caps screaming ACCIDENT!!!!!!. By calling what Jonny Dallo did an “accident", you imply that it was outside his control, an act of God — you put it in the same category as if he struck Jodi’s truck because of a mechanical failure in his car, or because a tree fell across the road. But that is a false comparison, and one that does a great disservice to all of us. Jonny struck Jodi’s truck as the direct result of choices that he made — he chose to recklessly speed at over 100MPH, and he chose to pass on a blind corner. Jodi is not dead because of some unavoidable accident — as your words imply — but because of completely avoidable choices that Jonny made.

    Jonny should be held accountable for those choices and their tragic consequences.

    Jonny should be punished severely.

    I do not hate Jonny Dallo — but I do hate what he did to Jodi…

  15. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    I live right across the street from jonny and can see his house perfectly. Where was this party?? Not to mention the fact that I drive on that road 3 times a day and passed the accident on my way to work. Where is the blind curve?! It’s right passed the 7-11 where the road is visible ahead. I have known the dallo’s for a long time, why do people keep fixating on the family’s pocketbook? If he was poor does that change anything? Would he be driving any slower?

  16. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    I drive that road also and it is a blind curve .

  17. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    time flys when your having fun jonny

  18. In the old blog, cz7891 said:
    who ever wrote the comment about Jodi’s family hitting the Dallo’s pocket books is probably the dumbest thing I’ve heard. Is all you think about money? I’m pretty sure that is the last thing on the minds of Jodi’s children. And you should know what your talking about before you say it, Johnny does have a job which he goes to everyday right after school, so shut the hell up before you say something you don’t know.

  19. In the old blog, cz7891 said:
    dont drop the soap huh? why don’t you be brave enough to say that to my face not Johnny’s say it to me and I will get the message to him. The guy is in the worst shape and your making stupid remarks like that be man and come forward if not shut your mouth before it gets permanitly shut by me

  20. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    yeah, especially when he gets off of this with no jail time at all you low-life

  21. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    If you follow the notion you expressed to its logical extreme, someone could take a shotgun into a crowded shopping mall and start blasting away — but if they didn’t intend to hurt anyone, well then that’s just ok. Do you really buy that logic?Are you crazy? That’s the comparison you made?? Listen Tom, maybe if you spent a little more time on your “computer software” or whatever work you claim to do, and a little less time trying to prosecute innocent people, you would be a self-made millionaire. Instead you choose to bring up these comparisons you yourself said were “extreme.” Why don’t you get a job where you actually get things done instead of sitting on a computer all day? Maybe then you’d be a productive citizen to our country. Any moron can sit on a computer and write out of his ass (for example: Tom Dilatush) but if people want to talk about stories, make sure you know a little more about them instead of just assuming you know.

  22. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Its not jail time its prison (california state prison)

  23. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    To answer the question what if that was my mom would I still defend Jonny! no you idiot I would not defend Jonny because who defends someone who kills there family member. I do not expect for Jodi,s Family to defend Jonny. If that was my mom I would have to understand it was an accident. When I said what if it was your son, I meant it by is was an accident! That is what it is. For everyone who thinks Jonny is a bad kid or spoiled your wrong! Dont talk about him and his family like you know them.

  24. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Please forgive me but I seem to be either dense or naive. I have been reading the comments about the dropped soap and the angry reactions and I don’t understand the implication — or the reactions.Would someone enlighten me?

  25. I will assume you’re serious, and answer your question straight up.


    The reference is to a piece of lore, oft repeated in masculine circles, that if you are ever sent to prison you should never bend over to pick up a bar of soap that you’ve dropped in the communal shower — because the sexually deprived, more thuggish inmates might take advantage of the lathered-up buttocks you’ve thus presented.

  26. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Yea so dont drop the soap Habib

  27. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    I guess its time that Dateline followed up on the New story of Jonny Dallo. Im sure this will be interesting as a local and national story. This just might bring a new awareness to parents that let their kids do as they please. I plan to foward all the above info to theirproducer.

  28. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    CZ7891-Yes money is probably the furthest thing from the children’s mind, but money is #1 with Jonny and his “fast cars” so maybe losing some to the victims would be good for the victim and would pinch the spoiled rich brat!

  29. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Accidents DO NOT happen when idiots drive 100 MPH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is what you call careless wreckless driving. I bet Jonny would not be calling it an accident if his family members were killed by a driver going that fast.

  30. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    wow, do you have that much spare time on your hands that you sit around and make fun of a guy that is going through the worst time in his life

  31. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Anonymous on July 10, 2006 10:56am-If you had any sense Tom was not saying that someone could get away with shooting people in a mall if they didn’t intend to hurt anyone. He’s trying to point out that your ideas don’t make sense. And, by the way, you say that Tom is trying to prosecute innocent people. You call Jonny innocent?????? GUILTY, MANSLAUGHTER, anything but innocent or victim himself, POOR BABY. What do the Dallos have to say is what I ask.

  32. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Anonymous July 10, 06 10:29amLow lifes are idiots who speed and have no regard for the lives of others. They are also the people who defend the irresponsible driver and find it funny that he could get off without doing time. Upstanding and proud people are the ones who speak for the victim against the low life who took her away from her family. For all I care Jonny can rot in prison. The unfortunate part of this is that the tax dollars of us upstanding people will be paying for his living expenses.

  33. In the old blog, Iran123 said:
    Right on july 11,2006 6:28 pmforgive as he knows not what he does/not helping jon jon for sure/

  34. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Threats like this just make people know how nice jonnys friends are.

  35. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Where is the threat?? I am just stating facts

  36. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    (Shut your mouth before it gets permanately shut by me) is not a threat ? you are an Idiot Low Life. But your Jonnys best friend RIGHT? Moron.

  37. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Jonny’s friends are real nice. I am one of them and I have been for sometime now. What do you expect from us! You are putting down someone that you dont even know. I care for Jonny and I know Jonny feels bad. Do you not think that he doesnt thinks about this everyday. What do you not believe he is human? Everyone that comments on Jonny nicely means they know him. Jonny is a nice guy he would do anything for his friends. What Jonny did was wrong but dont talk about him if you dont know him. Yeah his friends (including me) are defensive, he is going through a hard time right now. I mean if this was your friend you would defend him to. You make his friends seem like we dont care what he did. We all do and we all feel for Jodi’s family, but our friend needs us. like I said if this was your friend you would be defensive to. So what do you want from us? Not to defend Jonny, walk away from a friend who needs us? Then we wouldnt be friends. He was wrong, he shouldnt of been driving fast but to talk about a guy you know nothing about is wrong. So leave him alone!

  38. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    no he blew it

  39. In the old blog, N. Die na mite said:
    I think it is a good idea that the community just forgive Johnny and let him go on with his life. We can rewrite the speed limit on HWY 94 to let’s be safe and make it 85MPH… And its time we dump all those old elected officals and just put Johnnys friends in change so everyone knows its ok to drive anywhy they want and hurt anyone that is in the wrong place at the wrong time. After all if we can make friends with Johnnys friends we will be forgiven because driving fast is just something kids do and we need to accept. Yes that is the answer we need to move on with life and start thinking about who is teaching our kids to stand behind their friends when they are grossly reckless and law breakers. Let it be written let it be done. Johnny Johnny, the soap is in a new squirt dispencer !!!!

  40. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    I have a question for Jonny’s friends…what is his explanation for driving at 100MPH the morning he killed Jodi? Did he just not care about his safety and the safety of others? Did he think he was above the law? WHY, WHY, WHY did he drive so recklessly?

  41. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Where is MR. Mike Dallo in all of this? No comment?

  42. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Mike Dallo? He is working, making money, getting richer…DON’T BE A HATER!

  43. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Yea ignoring what his baby boy did. 2more monthsthings will be a little more exciting,

  44. In the old blog, A Jamul Resident said:
    Dear All, It is amazing how everyone has come to the conclusion that Jonny is guilty and should be placed behind bars for the rest of his life. What is even more frustrating is the creator of this blog writing such hateful comments and provoking the whole city to join up and put Jonny in jail. What we all forget is that we are innocent until we are proven guilty. How fair would it be for everyone to be charged with a crime to be painted as a malicious murderer. Each day innocent people are aquitted of the charges brought before them. Should each person who is charged with a crime have to face such malicious public scrutiny before a trial is presented? It is at this trial where the facts will become apparent. Not some media hype claiming that he was speeding when no accident reconstruction has taken place. No one knows the true facts until the preliminary hearing and it is at this point when any reasonable person should start making assumptions or accusations about Jonny. It is when we have a professional accident reconstruction prove he was speeding. It is when we have witnesses that are sworn under oath that testify as to how they came to the conclusion that he was speeding. Those witnesses may not exist. We will never know until the trial. We should all use this time for devotion to the Burnett family and use our time raising money for the family and save these unsupported comments until after the trial. How would we all feel if the accident reconstruction shows he was going 10 over the speed limit? A habit I’m sure most readers of this blog do on a daily basis. Would this constitute gross negligence, the standard of care that is needed to convict Jonny of vehicular manslaughter. NO! Jonny would be acquited and rightfully so. Let us all hold our emotions and give Jonny the benefit of doubt as our judicial system gives each defendant. Our presumption in the laws of our country as stated in the U.S Constitution is a presumption of innocence, not guilt as we have been giving Jonny. I pray for all of us to come together and use this time to help rather than to stir hate. Lets leave the trial for the jury and postpone our comments until real facts are presented. May God Bless Jodi and her family and I have the utmost faith that our judicial system will punish Jonny if he is PROVEN guilty, but up until that point, I will presume he is innocent.

  45. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    you sound like your jonnys attorney not a jamul resident

  46. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    I agree with the Jamul Resident. None of us know the facts. We are all basing our opinions on reports from the media that are not credible. We should wait and see what happens. Its weird, I went from thinking he was guilty to now wondering if he really was speeding and if so, how much over the speed limit.

  47. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    We need to focus on helping the Burnett family and leaving Jonathan alone until the trial. I think he is guilty but I’m curious for the outcome. If Im wrong, ill never judge someone again.

  48. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    hopefully you dont sit on the jury. there are enough facts and evidence to make your head spin you are just unaware of them. But you are entitled to your opinion,

  49. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    inocent? MY ASS!!!he has already addmited to going over 100mph to the chp.and yes there are witnesses and video tape of accident.the bmw car has a black box that recorded the last 10 sec before the accident they all do well at least the one in the accident does.Jonny will do time.How long?I dont care it wont be enough.What kind of message does it send to all the youth if he does’nt. All the street racing maniacs will fear nobody or consequences to speeding on the raod. Not to say that Jonny was racing, but he was exceeding the speed limit at over 100 mph at his own account.

  50. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Anybody can have access to the accident report and see that Jonny was speeding. He is guilty of vehicular manslaughter there is no doubt about that. And if anyone says different then they dont know the facts. If you are all that curious about the facts and how fast he was going then check out the freaking accident report. Jonny is not innocent and should be put away for a long time. And for all you who dont know already there is a videotape that recorded the thing. Some people should just learn to watch out what they are saying before they say it.

  51. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    The accident report is written by the CHP and there are numerous incidents where the report is proven to be false by experts in accident reconstuction. The experts will determine the true speed, not the biased interest of the CHP. I am not aware of any comments that Johnny made to the CHP, but I am aware that Johnny was diagnosed with a concussion after the accident. Any statements that were illicted from the police after the accident are not accurate because he was in no state of mind to be answering such detailed questions.

  52. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    now we know his defense thank you counsel

  53. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    what about the video tape counsel have you seen it yet. I know you havent maybe you will get a gander at through discovery.

  54. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    The next thing you know his accelerator pedal got caught in his superman shoelace and he forgot because he had a concusion Sure Pal.

  55. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    It does appear that the Hwy 94 - Jamul Bar Association has entered the comments as well they should. John is getting the community attention that he deserves and its not good. So far this is the first adult to come to John Boys defence and this adult wonders why? Public sentiment is strongly running against John. I guess if your paid as an avocate that is what you do before the DA finds out how pissed everyone in the community is. Everyone is entitled to a defence.Concusion… Bruised Brain.. John had a bruied brain before he hit the truck, maybe speed racers attorney (published above) who seems to be doubling as an Dr. can share Johns whole driving record with us along with his mental state at the time of the accident. Was John sullen,excited, depressed or just plain nervous maybe John as only child syndrome or better middle child complex maybe he is the spoiled baby. I do agree that we should support the victums family and I figure one way is to bring pressure upon the DA to push this case. What is next? that it was the roads fault that it was so fun to drive fast that John just could not resist because he had been eating junk food before the accident and he had to get home to read his e mail. Give me a break this young man screwed up and he going to pay as well he should.

  56. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    I saw the defense team doing their work outside my business on 94. sadly I must say they had no regardfor the flowers and cross that adorn the accident scene. they threw their lunch wrappers and gatorade bottles on the flowers and had nothing to say to mewhen I called them on it. I cant say how sad I am about what has happened but after reading all of thisI cant believe the sadness that you must be bringing to the family of Jodi Burnett

  57. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    That Defense team showed a lack of respect to you and the Burnett family, I deeply Apologies.

  58. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    It doesnt matter whether he was not drinking or not on drugs. The fact of the matter here is that Jonny killed someone. Taking away a mother’s life from four children, her husband and family. There is a actual video of this accident which the police have as evidence. And according to the accident report that i have in front of me Jonny Dallo states that he continued east bound and began to accelerate to speeds he claimed to be up to a 100 mph.When he was west of steel canyon road he came upon two slower moving vehicles. He passed the vehicles using the two way left turn to do so, Then continued east bound. He approached the intersection with steel canyon road at a speed that he estimated to be approx. 100 mph. These are some of the actual statements from jonny Dallo. He also stated that he drove his mothers vehicle that night because his radio in his car was not working and that he wanted music. He also stated that his mother’s car is a fast car. He’s had three tickets in the past. One for speeding, one for making an illegal turn and one for not stopping at a red light. The speeding ticket he claims was for going 94 mph. on the 94 freeway. He also stated then that “he is a good driver when he is not speeding, but as soon as i step on the gas pedal it is a whole other world”. When asked if it was his normal pattern of driving he stated “only on that road”. These are actual statements from Jonny Dallo himself. The actual accident report is 30 something pages long and i wont bother going into the rest. There were many other statements as well.The public does have a right to obtain a actual copy of the accident report. This is not about race and this isn’t about judging him before a trial, this is only about stating the facts about what happened on that horrible morning. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

  59. I have contacted the CHP, and read their web site; both say essentially the same thing. To quote their web site:"In order to allow a proper Party of Interest (i.e. Driver, Passenger, Property Owner, Vehicle Owner, Parent of Minor, or Legal Guardian) to obtain a copy of a CHP collision report/investigation…
    The most common Parties of Interest are: Driver, Passenger, Property Owner, Vehicle Owner, Parent of Minor, or Legal Guardian of an individual. If you are not sure you are entitled to a copy of the report/investigation, please contact any CHP Area office to verify whether you are a proper Party of Interest."So, anonymous commenter… If I can’t get a copy of the accident report, how did you manage to do so? Or did you? Is the information in your comment actually as authoritative as you claim?I challenge you to prove to me, privately (see “Email Tom", at right), that you actually do have a copy of the accident report, and that the information you’ve presented is accurately reporting its contents. Until and if I get your response, I’m advising all of my readers to be skeptical of the information in the comment above.

  60. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Dont be too skeptical Tom everything he/she mentions sounds totally accurate. based on my conversational with an investigating officer that morning.

  61. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Who passes someone on the left, when that someone is turnning left? Someone who likes Superman I guess!!!!!

  62. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    In regard to dont drop the soap jonny!! do you know what C.Y.A. Stands for: Or COVER YOUR ASS. Fred c. nelles in whittier welcomes you Jonny.

  63. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Tom, Really did we need that last comment posted from Anonymous 4:41.

  64. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    His parents should not have kidswhat kind of parents are these that have kids like Johnny.This is his brothers Myspace:

  65. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    I see that he’s drinking a light beer. His parents allow underage drinking at home. What good role models they are. One day the Dallo’s will take another life with a DUI. Hopefully they can be stopped before it’s too late.

  66. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Light beer with hennesey over his head? whats wrong with this picture. Nice parents did he bring this home from the market daddy owns? maybe cps should be notified and the abc. See this for yourself

  67. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    As a chaldean I have lost all respect for the Dallo family.

  68. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    His parents are to busy. The mom is busy shopping, the dad is busy hooking up with others and the kids are all airheads that didnt even do good in school what do you expect.

  69. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Maybe if Mona Dallo stayed home more and cooked them actual meals their would’nt be a need for fat camp.

  70. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    i heard they delayed there court appereances b/c there throwing johnny’s sister a bridal shower shes getting married i guess is this all true can u guys believe it there throwing johnnys sister parties and they dont even care about him wtf

  71. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Yes it’s true they dont even care about the victims family so they delayed the courts just to throw a party with no regards that now a family is mourning because of them they just push that aside for their own needs.

  72. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    hey I heard they went on trial on the same day of the bridal shower does anyone know what happend in the trial?

  73. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    I hope he did get a trial because Jodi’s poor family who lost so much is being denied justice while the Dallo’s have their parties. I wonder if Melanies future husband the attorney will represent him???

  74. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    who would hire an attorney with no experience straight from law school when theirs millions with experience.

  75. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    I just spent at least an hour reading all these blogs on this page. My first reaction is wow, are you serious? I didn’t think that many people would have the time to sit here and anaylze the Dallo family this much. I didn’t think any good-hearted american can sit here and talk this much crap like that. I didn’t think anyone would do that. FIrst off… I’d like to state that all you people who are sitting her talking shit need to get a life, and if you have anything to say typing it here on this blog isn’t doing much so take my advice and shut up. Secondly… Don’t think your tough and smart by typing all your shit on this page because it just makes you look like a retard. Don’t worry about the family, the money, the businesses, the cars… It’s about what happened the night of, and the death. Nothing else. So to all you Jamul Bloggers: Get a life. Thank You.

  76. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Guilty plea sentencing in February facing 6 years. Thank you Jonny for finally stepping up to the plate and not putting Jodi’s family through the turmoil of a trial.

  77. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    6 years? what happend to 10 years?

  78. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Are you really that stupid?!. Walking into a mall and start shooting a gun all over the place and a car accident are not even close!. Should there be consequence for what he did,you bet, but stop trying to make the kid out to be a serial killer. Do you have no faith in the legal system or do we all have to worry about you running into a mall and start shooting a gun all over the place?!!!!.

  79. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Johnny’s grandmother is having a bingo at Saint Peters church just for johnny in order to get a lesser sentencing for him she thinks that will do it any body wants to go its at 5pm today.

  80. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Hey, come on Mona’s life is damaged for the rest of her life already her kids are over weight and can barely survive and make it through remedial classes in high school. Her husband treats her like trash and is only decent with her in front of people. And she still has to face everyone, smile, and pretend and act like life is great that is hard to do. And she has to do this for the rest of her life can you imagine so ya she brags to make her self feel better do you blame her? sooo funny

  81. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    How do we know that Mona is unhappy. If you really feel for her then you would leave her out of this. I think Mike Dallo is the monster here. If he treats his family half as bad as he treats his employees then we can feel for them. If he could get away with spitting on his employees faces he would. He doesn’t want to put any money into his stores, yet he expects them to be spotless and looking good. We are talking stores where cases are falling apart and cabinets are broken, equipment that doesn’t work, and no organization. Then he blames the employees for the problems. Come on Mike, let the grip on your money loose and put some into the business, and last but not least, treat your employees better.

  82. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    One year meaning he will most likely serve 6 months. This is a slap in the face to the Burnett family. Maybe the other prisoners will serve justice to him for what he did.

  83. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    how do we know shes unhappy because maybe we do know her and why else did she leave her house for a whole year sleeping at her sisters

  84. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    they paid the Burnetts family off for five mil so thats why he got 1 the burnetts requested it

  85. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Do we know for fact that they paid the Burnetts 5 mil or is that hearsay? I cannot believe that the Dallo’s would part with their money without a fight. Our country is so screwed up, we let these outsiders in, then slap them on the wrist when they kill our people. Jonny= YOU will get your punishment in jail, remember when the blogger said don’t drop the soap. Karma my friend!!!!!

  86. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Do we know for fact that they paid the Burnetts 5 mil or is that hearsay? I cannot believe that the Dallo’s would part with their money without a fight. Our country is so screwed up, we let these outsiders in, then slap them on the wrist when they kill our people. Jonny= YOU will get your punishment in jail, remember when the blogger said don’t drop the soap. Karma my friend!!!!!

  87. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    at least hes going to jail so thats all it matters! we should celebrate!!!!

  88. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Excuse me but what do you mean outsiders. Johnny was born in the United States he is an American as much as you are. Why dont you go and check and see where your family came from.

  89. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    johnnys whole family is a FAKE screaming and crying at court, what was that for just for people to watch- court is being turned into a chaldean funeral now too. with all the theatrics.

  90. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    how come everyone in his family has a weight disorder did you see his grandmother.

  91. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    no settlement has been reached, 5 mil all hearsay…

  92. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    All you people who think you know things about the Dallo Family are so full of shit. Not only are you full of shit, but you must have endless amounts of time on your hands to be able to sit here and write all this garbage about them. A word of advice, don’t worry about Mike, or Mona, or their money, or the overweight members of the family. Worry about yourself that the KARMA from this bogus comments will come back to kick you in the rear end.

  93. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    To all of us people who are full of shit- Let’s let the Dallo’s alone so they can walk off with their tails between their legs and go to a corner to lick their wounds :)

  94. In the old blog, Anonymous said:

  95. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Spread the word- Do not shop at Harvest Ranch, Jonathans, Foodland, or Orchards. Hit them where it will hurt. Tell everyone you know. They open cans and relabel them with their label anyway.

  96. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    This shows that they have no remorse like their friends say they do. None what so ever.

  97. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Maybe Jonnys grandma will raise money for the Burnett family, i wonder if the Dallo family has tried to do anything at all for them, anybody know if they have or have not?

  98. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    no they havent at all im chaldean and i heard they dont really care for the burnet family they dont even have any remorse for them either they were even laughing how the mother got killed and how there poor thats really sad. all they care is about themselves and they didnt give them anything there just really cheap and that is true when they relabel there cans there all cheapsters and manipulaters the dallo family is not a great family i feel sorry for the brunet family that have to deal with them

  99. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    i heard jonathon is crying to his mom in jail when she sees him just to feel sorry for him and hes been abused by the other inmates in jail…karma sucks!

  100. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    shes not raising money for the burnetts the whole point of the bingo is to show off and raise more money then the other people who have done the bingo and the money goes to the church she was doing it in hopes that somehow God will save Jhonny from prison if he sees that shes helping the church but guess what it did’nt work God didnt care.

  101. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    Ya i guess God did’nt care that Johnny went to jail wasn’t that the point of the bingo so that God can see that their helping out the poor but God knows whos true and who just does things to get something in return like the dallos God must hate them too.

  102. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    haha so true the dallos are a disgrace in this world

  103. In the old blog, Anonymous said:
    It seems so obvious that all these negative comments about the Dallos are from one jealous and sick individual. Get some help and stop being so obbsessed. No one really cares about all of your lies.
