Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Cartoons Revisited

A couple of weeks ago, I published the twelve controversial Danish cartoons that the Muslim world is still raging about. That post has received more comments than any other post I’ve ever made on this blog.

Some of the comments come from people who appear to be Muslims, such as this one from “Mohammed":

MR Dwayne, I am a Muslim, and i’m proud of my religion, by the way a fondamenta Muslim, by i am not willing to kill a ant not even a person is very similar to me, why should i kill, you have to understand that the meanning of ISLAM in english is PEACE, islam is for peace not for Killing, wake up and find out that the invisible enemy for mankind is everywhere, and they are making mass by the name of Islam, Killing people by the name of Islam, terrorizing by the name of Islam, making conflict between Christians and Muslims, by the name of Islam, they are killing our religion mentally not physically, physically they can’t do anything, if you are talking about physically, just have a look what happening nowadays in the world, do you want to know that who is that invisible enemy to the mankind???? do not just point your finger to the Muslims, we are not happy what happening to the world right now,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,That invisible enemy is afraid by our power now, they afraid by our knowledge, they are afraid by our media, they are afraid by our independence,,,,,,,,,, Shame on Israel=Invisible enemy of mankind

And others are clearly from non-Muslims, like this one from “Aerrys":

I’m completely sickened by this nonsense. I consider myself to be a fair minded liberal who believes in everyone’s right to believe as they see fit. I’m now in a position where I’m swaying toward the conservative side if only to preserve a way of life that allows for rational, lucid thought. We can no longer tolerate this idea of “one true religion” from any of you. You are all damaged and filled with vanity and pride. I’ve always said in passing “I don’t care what anyone believes in so long as they don’t use those beliefs to justify killing me” or “whatever you believe in that says you don’t get to kill me is fine by me”. But ALL of you who think they found the “one true religion/god that everyone should conform too” need to go burn in the hells of your own design. Your rights to live, inhabit the earth, govern your affairs, and secure happiness do not supersede mine or anyone else’s. You are not here to tell me what to believe. There is no god on your side that is against me. You are all corrupt. Join is in this century or perish.

Check out the whole collection — they make interesting, and sobering, reading.

And thanks to all my commenters…

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