Monday, May 23, 2005

Arabs for common sense

From Rantings of a Sandmonkey:

Look, we as arabs/muslims/whatever can't just play the victim, decry that we are opressed and persecuted, and yet be OK with venemous hate like this be spewed and spread throughout our society. We can't chant "Death to America" on one hand and wonder why they won't be more on our side. While the jews were holding out vigils, and stating that " we are all americans today", The Palestinians danced on the streets and handed out sweets and baklawas when 9/11 happend, and then they openly wonderd why the US was on the side of Israel. LOL. If you, dear reader, are one of those people, let me tell you the story of my friend Irina.

My friend Irina - russian jewish US immigrant and current US customs agent - was all about the peace process and giving the palestinians equal rights with the rest of her family when a suicide bomber blew himself up in 2002 and killed her cousin, who was a peace activist. Since that Day her and her whole Labour-voting family turned against the palestinian peace process and became overnight Likud supporters, because- as she told me- they realized that day "that the palestinians don't differentiate between pro- and anti-peace jews; they are all jews to them and therefore they should all die." She used to get really upset and cry whenever she would hear about palestinian houses getting demolished or palestinian bystanders dying or getting injured in crossfire, and now, when she hears about stuff like that, she says that the one thing that crosses her mind is "better them then one of my family".

Read the whole thing.

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