Saturday, May 24, 2014

The moon hoax ... NOT!

The moon hoax ... NOT!  A disturbingly large percentage of American adults (55%) currently believe that it's possible, likely, or certain that NASA faked the Apollo moon landings.  That percentage keeps going up (Gallup polls it annually).  Every time I see that it's ticked up another notch, I lose another increment of hope for the human race...

Here's an excellent video by a professional photographer with a different take on the possibility of the Apollo landings being a hoax.  Essentially he's asserting that NASA couldn't possibly have faked the videos of activity on the moon, for the simple reason that the requisite technology didn't exist.  All the prior attempts I'd seen to prove the reality of the Apollo landings centered around things like the effects of lunar gravity, the motion of dust in the video, etc.  The people who believed in the hoax always seemed to have clever ways these things could have been faked – or at least, clever enough to convince the addled and the Obama voters (but I repeat myself).

This fellow has a different sort of argument altogether, and he presents it in a clear and amusing way.  Toward the end, he connects current politics to credulousness, and suggests somewhat slyly that if you believe in something so obviously bogus as the moon hoax, why then you may be doing the government a favor by ignoring the real conspiracies happening today, such as the financial bail-out or the NSA listening in on everything.  At the very end, he presents a twist that had me laughing out loud – and I'm not going to spoil it for anyone who'd like to watch :)

Oh, and the comments on YouTube are a wonderful combination of humor, good sense, and (dominating) ignorance and negative intelligence that will make you want to exterminate all life on the planet Earth...

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