Sunday, November 6, 2005

Sexy in New Jersey?

Skippy (who hasn’t had sex for 220 days!) at Enjoy Every Sandwich, takes a look at the New Jersey gubenatorial race:

As we all know, there’s a gubenatorial election in the Graden State on Tuesday. Well, we all know it, but very few of us actually care. This race is essentially over and has been for a year. Ever since he announced his candidacy, it has been a forgone conclusion that US Senator and trazilionaire Jon Corzine will soon be custodian of the world’s largest garbage dump.

The worst part is that the race couldn’t have been more boring. Maybe I’ve been spoiled by Jersey politics, controlled as it is by a cabal of sundry Sopranos and barely closeted homosexuals who realize their “truth” in their fifties.

If you can handle Skippy’s very direct and unihibited writing style, the rest of his post is hysterically funny. Especially if you’re from New Jersey, or (like me) an escapee from New Jersey…